Venue: Mandela Room, Town Hall, Middlesbrough
Contact: Georgina Moore
No. | Item | ||||||
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
Minutes - Health Scrutiny Panel - 10 July 2023 Minutes: The minutes of the Health Scrutiny Panel meeting
held on 10 July 2023 were submitted and approved as a correct record. |
An Introduction to You've Got This The Scrutiny Panel will receive information on the vision and key messages of the You’ve Got This programme, an overview of the community-focused work undertaken in Middlesbrough and details of how the programme aims to contribute to the broader ambitions of South Tees. Minutes: The Programme Director and the Programme
Officer were in attendance to provide the scrutiny panel with information on
the vision and key messages of the You’ve Got This programme, an overview of
the community-focused work undertaken in Middlesbrough and details of how the
programme aimed to contribute to the broader ambitions of South Tees. The Programme Director provided the information
detailed below: ·
local You’ve Got This programme was one of twelve Sport England place
partnerships, which explored innovative ways of enabling inactive people to
become more active and increase population level of physical activity. ·
local You’ve Got This programme was initially established in 2018. ·
aim of the programme was to explore experimental approaches to achieving
population level change by focusing on those individuals who were the least
physically active. ·
programme had a strong focus on applying insight (information gathered from
partners and communities) and learning. ·
from the place partnerships was central to Sport England’s new 10 year strategy, “Uniting the Movement”. ·
the programme formed part of Public Health South Tees, working through a wide
collective partnership of organisations. ·
programme supported residents of Middlesbrough and Redcar and Cleveland. ·
Got This co-led one of Public Health’s five programme themes, the Health
Environments Programme. ·
vision for the You’ve Got This programme was Active Lives as a Way of Life. ·
whole-system approach was taken, by the programme, to tackle inactivity. ·
programme recognised that tackling inactivity was much more than individual
changes, it required action to be built into all levels of the system. ·
programme adopted a Test and Learn approach by focusing on gathering insight
and learning, being open and honest about what approaches had and had not
worked and exploring the “how” and “why”, not just the “what”. ·
programme adopted Distributed Leadership, which recognised that to achieve
positive outcomes, leadership and buy-in at all levels of the system was
required. ·
programme recognised that not one person or group of people was able to achieve
population level change. ·
was key and You’ve Got This involved working in partnership with over 70
organisations working together to address inactivity. ·
developing the partnership approach, a common purpose had been established to
increase physical activity. ·
England encouraged the programme to develop and explore new ways of working. ·
achieving population level change through a whole-system approach, the
programme explored the following factors: o
- attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, needs and behaviour o
environment - relationships, families, support groups and social networks o
and institutions - schools, healthcare, businesses, faith groups, charities and clubs o
environment - built, natural and transport links o
- laws, rules, regulations and codes o
determinants - socio-economic considerations, poverty ·
was acknowledged that Middlesbrough had high levels of poverty and research had
identified that lower-income families were less likely to engage in physical
activity. · Smoking cessation was a good example of developing a whole-system approach to achieve population level change, by ... view the full minutes text for item 23/11 |
Setting the Scrutiny Panel’s Work Programme - 2023/24 The Scrutiny Panel will be asked to consider its work programme for the 2023/24 municipal year. Additional documents: Minutes: The Health Scrutiny Panel was asked to consider
its work programme for the 2023/24 municipal year. The Democratic Services Officer presented the
submitted report and the following points were referenced: ·
the start of every municipal year, scrutiny panels discussed the topics that
they would like to review during the coming year. ·
programmes were useful as they provided some structure to a scrutiny panel’s
activity and allowed for the effective planning and preparation of work. ·
topic of Dental Health and the Impact of Covid-19 had been carried over from
the previous year. It was hoped that the Health Scrutiny Panel would be in a
position to conclude its evidence gathering, in respect of the topic, at its
meetings scheduled to be held in October and November. Further details
regarding the topic of Dental Health and the Impact of Covid-19, and the
evidence that would be considered at future meetings, had been included at
paragraphs 5 and 6 of the report. In addition to the information contained
within the report, arrangements would also be made for Professor Tim Thompson
from Teesside University to attend a future meeting, to provide information on
how the university processed referrals from local dentists and people could
have procedures (mostly simple extractions, scale and polish etc) for free. ·
in the report was a list of topics that were anticipated to be of particular
interest to the scrutiny panel. Those topics were detailed in the first table
of the submitted report and included: o
to GPs; o
Deaths and Preventable Mortality; o
Health Services; o
and o
Uptake. ·
had also been received from the HealthWatch South
Tees Project Lead and those included: o
Health Services; o
Dentists; o
and o
Care. ·
considering its work programme, the scrutiny panel was asked to ensure that
topics agreed for inclusion met the criteria detailed at paragraph 13 of the
report. ·
was recommended that the scrutiny panel used the aid, attached at Appendix 1 of
the submitted report, to prioritise issues where scrutiny could make an impact,
add value or contribute to policy development. ·
scrutiny panel was asked to identify two topics it would like to include in its
work programme. Once agreed, those topics would be submitted to the Overview
and Scrutiny Board, on 20 September 2023, for consideration and approval. A discussion ensued and Members referenced the
following areas of interest and concern: ·
Deaths and Preventable Mortality, due to Middlesbrough’s low life expectancy
and high rates of under 75 mortality from causes considered preventable. ·
Health Services, due to the wide range of experiences encountered for those
seeking support for perimenopause and menopause that had been well documented
in the press. ·
to Dental Care, due to its impact on oral health. ·
due to Middlesbrough’s high levels of obesity and its association with reduced
life expectancy and chronic diseases. · Access to GPs, due to the need for patients to receive the care ... view the full minutes text for item 23/12 |
Overview and Scrutiny Board - An Update The Chair will present a verbal update on the matters that were considered at the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 26 July 2023. Minutes: The Chair explained that at the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny
Board, which was held on 26 July 2023, the Board had considered: ·
an update from the
Deputy Mayor and Executive Member for Education and Culture;
the Executive
Forward Work Programme; ·
an update on
Middlesbrough’s Boundary Review 2023; and ·
updates from the
Scrutiny Chairs. NOTED |