Venue: Mandela Room
Contact: Chris Lunn / Georgina Moore
No. | Item | ||||||
SUSPENSION OF COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULE NO 5 - ORDER OF BUSINESS ORDERED that, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule No 5,
the committee agreed to vary the order of business. ORDERED that the following items be considered as shown: |
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
Additional documents: Minutes: The
Chair approved a request presented by the Chair of the Economic Development,
Environment and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel that the item be referred back to
the scrutiny panel. The proposal planned to enable the scrutiny panel to review
the content of its final report and consider the inclusion of additional
information. |
Corporate Performance Update: 2021/22 Year End Results PDF 356 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The
Mayor and the Chief Executive submitted a report for the Executive’s
consideration. The purpose of the report was to advise of corporate performance
at year-end 2021/22 and where appropriate seek approval of any changes. Overall,
at year-end, there had been a slight improvement in performance from the
quarter three reported position, with progress towards expected performance
standards (as set out in the Council’s risk appetite) achieved in three out of
seven areas. In
terms of the progress in delivering Executive actions, at year-end, 39 of 51
live actions (76.5%) were reported as on target to be delivered by the agreed
timescales, with 7 proposed amendments set out at Appendix 1 of the submitted
report. All remaining Executive actions were expected to be achieved within
their approved timescales. Further information was detailed at paragraphs 8 to
10 of the submitted report. In
terms of progress in delivering the Strategic Plan 2021-24, at 2021/22
year-end, 10 out of 24 (41.7%) of the Strategic Plan outcomes were either
improving or static against the quarter three position, with 10 (41.7%)
worsening. As some measures were updated annually, there was no trend
information available for 4 (16.7%) outcome measures at the present time. At
2021/22 year-end, performance against the Strategic Plan workplan was exceeding
the corporate target of 90%. Further information on outcomes, the workplan and
the Strategic Risk Register was detailed at paragraphs 11 to 25 of the
submitted report. In
terms of progress in delivering directorate priorities, at 2021/22 year-end,
60% (65) of directorate priorities were completed, which was below the expected
standard of 90%. Performance in delivering mitigating actions associated with
high or medium risks on Directorate Risk Registers was 90% and 93%
respectively, above the performance standard of 90%. Further information on
progress in delivering directorate priorities was detailed at paragraphs 26 to
28 of the submitted report. ORDERED 1.
That the proposed amendments to Executive actions, outlined at Appendix
1, be approved. 2.
That the achievement in implementation of the Strategic Plan 2021-24 at
2021/22 year-end, detailed in Appendix 2, be noted. 3.
That in light of the position outlined in the report, the Council’s
updated position in relation to Strategic Risk be noted. 4.
That the 2021/22 year-end achievement in delivery of the 2021/22
directorate priorities, detailed in Appendix 3, be noted. REASON To enable the effective management of performance and
risk in line with the Council’s Local Code of Corporate Governance. |
Revenue and Capital Budget - Year-End Outturn Position 2021/22 PDF 751 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive Member for Finance and Governance
and the Director of Finance submitted a report for the Executive’s
consideration. The purpose of the report was to provide information on the Council’s financial position at year-end 2021/22, including the effect
of Covid-19 on the Council’s finances. As
reported in previously, the Covid-19 pandemic had impacted significantly on the
Council’s financial position during 2021/22 and would continue to in a number
of areas in future years. That had made the management of the Council’s
finances more difficult due to the constantly evolving situation and also the
level of uncertainty regarding the financial effects of Covid-19 in 2021/22 and
future years. Covid-19 financial pressures were being monitored separately from
the normal non-Covid-19 financial position. The
2021/22 revenue budget for the Council was £116,492,035. During quarter one
there had been a number of transfers of services between directorates due to
managerial changes, and the financial position was reported against the new
directorate budgets. The overall final year-end revenue outturn position for
2021/22 for non-Covid19 expenditure was a £2,325,000 underspend. The details of
that were shown in the table below paragraph 10 of the submitted report,
including the split by directorate. It
was proposed that the £2,325,000 underspend on non-Covid19 expenditure be
initially transferred to the General Fund Reserve. The level of reserves
remaining after the use and creation of those reserves was shown in the
‘Reserves and Provisions’ section of the submitted report (see paragraphs 158
to 163) and in Appendix 2. In
terms of directorate variances, those were set out at paragraphs 23 to 83. At
year-end, 38 areas had spent +/-£150,000 of the agreed budget. Where
appropriate, the on-going effects of variances would be considered as part of
future updates of the Council’s MTFP. The financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic
in 2021/22 was summarised in paragraphs 84 to 111
of the submitted report. There had been a financial pressure due to Covid-19 of
£390,000 in 2021/22. In
terms of the capital budget outturn 2021/22, following a further review and the
inclusion of new additional schemes (see paragraphs 125 and 126 of the
submitted report), increases to existing schemes, and the reductions to
existing schemes (as detailed in paragraph 123), the Council had spent £56.899m
at year-end. The reasons for the underspend to the
revised capital budget for 2021/22 and any changes required to the Investment
Strategy were provided in the paragraphs 122 to 150. The revised Investment
Strategy to 2024/25 was included at Appendix 1. The
Council’s total borrowing increased from £205.2m at 30 December 2021 to £208.8m
at 31 March 2022. Further information on borrowing and prudential indicators
was detailed at paragraphs to 151 to 157. ORDERED 1.
That the 2021/22
revenue budget initial year-end outturn, of a £2.462m overspend on non-Covid-19
elements, be noted. 2.
That the implementation
of the Flexible Use of Capital Receipts Strategy totalling £5.017m in 2021/22,
as approved by Council on 20 October 2021, be noted. 3. That the transfer of £230,000 of the ... view the full minutes text for item 21/8 |
Developing a New Community Centre at Southlands PDF 316 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The
Executive Member for Regeneration and the Director of Regeneration and Culture
submitted a report for the Executive’s consideration. The purpose of the report
was to provide information on the next steps to deliver the Council’s aim for
an exciting and transformational new £3.7m Community and Sport Centre, which
planned to help regenerate East Middlesbrough and
greatly improve the lives of local people. The
report recommended that Executive approved a further £900,000 towards the new
Southlands Centre project. The investment planned to see a total of £2.1m spent
on phase one and a further £1.5m would deliver new and improved outdoor sport
facilities built on the site and demonstrate the Council’s ongoing commitment
to sports provision in the town. It
was planned that the Sporting Hub would include the creation of new grass
pitches, a new Third Generation Football Turf Pitch (3G FTP), the refurbishment
of an existing 3G pitch and the Unity City Academy changing rooms, additional
new changing rooms and extra car parking to deliver an exemplar facility. In addition to the £1.7m Council funding
already committed to the project, further sums of £600,000 and £500,000 had
been secured from the Football Foundation and Towns Fund respectively to demonstrate
the Council’s commitment to partnership working to deliver positive outcomes
for the town. The preferred location for the centre had been
originally identified as land that could be used to mitigate for the loss of
playing pitch provision to facilitate the development of new, high quality,
family housing at Marton Avenue. To overcome the
issue, the Council had engaged positively with Sport England to develop a
solution that planned to meet the needs for playing pitch provision and could
allow the housing development to progress. A planning application was expected to be
submitted in August 2022 with construction of the centre due to start in
November 2022. The submitted report’s recommendations
satisfied the requirements of the local community and Sport England and met the
aims and objectives of the Council. Representations were made by local community
groups in support of the proposal to develop the Community and Sport Centre in
East Middlesbrough, the positive feedback received was acknowledged and valued. OPTIONS The
preferred site for the new Community Centre at the Southlands had been
initially identified as the location for the re-provision of lost playing
fields due to the housing development at Marton
Avenue. An
alternative recommendation could have looked to re-provide the playing pitches
in that location, allowing the planning condition to be achieved without the
need to provide any additional sporting facilities as identified within the
Southland Vision Document (see Appendix 1).
However, that recommendation would have required a new site location to
be sourced for a new Community Centre, which would not likely meet the local
community’s preferences. In addition, any alternative location for the centre would have potentially required Middlesbrough Council to re-provide lost playing fields or pitches, should the new location fall within Sport England classifications. If that was the case, new facilities would ... view the full minutes text for item 21/9 |
Children's Services Improvement Programme: Update Report PDF 400 KB Minutes: The
Deputy Mayor and Executive Member for Children's Services and the Executive
Director of Children’s Services submitted a report for the Executive’s
consideration. The purpose of the report was to provide information on the
progress made against the Children’s Services Improvement Plan, with particular
reference to the findings of Ofsted’s Monitoring Visit on 29/30 March 2022. Ofsted
had undertaken a Monitoring Visit to Children’s Services on 29/30 March
focusing on matching, placement and decision-making for children in care and
planning and achieving permanence (forever homes) for children. The letter
reporting Ofsted’s findings, which were generally very positive, was published
on 6 May 2022. A brief overview of Ofsted’s findings was detailed in the main
body of the submitted report. The
most significant risks to continued improvement and delivering against the
Children’s Services Improvement Plan were: ·
The challenge of
recruiting permanent experienced social work staff. Currently, 26% of social
work staff were agency workers with the resulting additional staffing costs.
However, 52% of those staff members had been working in Middlesbrough for over
one year. That in itself brought some stability into the workforce and
mitigated against changes of social workers for children. ·
Maintaining the pace of
improvement despite financial constraints, for example continuing to fund the
Practice Leads and colleagues from Audit to Excellence. Ofsted
was due to return for the next Monitoring Visit in July 2022. It was envisaged
that the visit would focus on the Council’s Early Help Service, the
Multi-Agency Children’s Hub (MACH) and the Assessment Service. OPTIONS It was not appropriate to retain the status quo, as
Children’s Services would not have been meeting the needs of Middlesbrough’s
most vulnerable children. ORDERED 1. That the progress made
to improve outcomes for Middlesbrough’s vulnerable children, as set out in our
Children’s Services Improvement plan 2020/2023, be noted. 2. That the effect of the
work on Children’s Services’ mission, namely ‘Our Mission to Show Middlesbrough
Children that they Matter’, be noted. REASON Although a decision was not required, if Children’s
Services did not make the required improvements as set out in the Children’s
Services Improvement Plan, at pace, the Council would not improve life chances
for Middlesbrough’s vulnerable children and increase its Ofsted judgement from
its current ‘Inadequate’ status. |
The decision(s) will come into force after five working days following the day the decision(s) was published unless the decision becomes subject to the call in procedures. |