Venue: Mandela Room
Contact: Chris Lunn / Scott Bonner
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were
no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes - Executive - 14 February 2024 PDF 427 KB Minutes: The minutes of the Executive meeting held on 14 February 2024 were submitted and approved as a correct record. The Mayor provided an update on the Council application for Extraordinary
Financial Support (EFS) stating that positive, albeit informal, discussions had
taken place with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. A
final decision on EFS would be brough to the Council’s budget meeting on 8
OF BUSINESS In accordance with Council Procedure Rule No. 4.57, Executive
agreed to vary the order of business to deal with the items in the following
order: 6,4,5,7 and 8. |
The Council Plan 2024-27 PDF 434 KB Additional documents:
Decision: ORDERED that Executive endorses the final Council Plan
2024-27 and associated strategic priorities and outcomes prior to full Council
approval of the final Council Plan 2024-27 and to enable development of
detailed, supporting delivery plans. Minutes: The Mayor and Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health submitted a report for Executive’s consideration. The report set out the Council Plan 2024-27 and sought Executive endorsement on its structure and content, setting out how the Council would work with its communities, to take forward its shared priorities over the 2024 to 2027 period. The intent of the report was to provide enough information and assurance for the Executive to endorse the Council Plan 2024-27, prior to consideration by full Council on 8 March 2024, ensuring that it remained current and reflective of major developments of the past year, and those anticipated in the coming three years. The Council Plan, formerly known as the Strategic Plan, was the Council’s overarching business plan for the medium-term, and was refreshed on an annual basis, setting out the priorities of the Elected Mayor of Middlesbrough, the ambitions of Middlesbrough’s communities and the ways in which the Council sought to achieve them. Part of the Council’s Policy Framework, the Council Plan required the approval of full Council, as set out in the Constitution. The Council’s Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules provided for the Executive to draw up firm proposals on the Strategic Plan (Change Strategy) for submission to Full Council. Full Council approved the previous Strategic Plan 2021-2024 on 16 February 2021, which expressed the previous Mayors’ priorities for the town. This report proposed a new Council Plan for the 2024-27 period articulating the aims and ambitions of Mayor Cooke elected in May 2023, which are informed by, and responsive to the views of residents and which will need to be delivered within available resources. ORDERED that Executive endorses the final Council Plan
2024-27 and associated strategic priorities and outcomes prior to full Council
approval of the final Council Plan 2024-27 and to enable development of
detailed, supporting delivery plans. OPTIONS It was imperative that the Council effectively
articulated and communicated an overarching plan to direct activity across
Directorates and services, towards the achievement of its priorities and
ambitions. The only other realistic potential decision would be to
leave the Council’s strategic objectives unchanged on the assumption that they
were sufficiently robust to address and achieve previously identified outcome
measures. This, however, was not correct and would not have represented an
appropriate response to the needs of the town. It would also have detrimentally
impacted local communities and the business of the Council for some years
ahead. The only other feasible decisions, therefore, relate to
the structure of the document, and its horizon (i.e., reverting to an annual
plan). It was strongly in the Council’s interest to plan over the medium-term,
(between 3 – 5 years) in line with the indicative budgets over this period
outlined by the Government. The proposed document achieved this whilst also
providing an appropriate level of detail for all audiences on the Council’s
planned activity over this period. REASONS To enable the Executive to endorse, prior to consideration by full Council, the Council Plan 2024-27, ... view the full minutes text for item 23/76 |
2024/25 Revenue Budget, Medium Term Financial Plan, and Council Tax setting PDF 780 KB Additional documents:
Decision: ORDERED that the amended Appendix 5 of the report be approved. AGREED that: In terms of the robustness of the Medium-Term Financial Plan, Executive
note the statutory s25 report of
the Council’s Section 151 Officer
in respect of the robustness of the estimates
within the budget and the adequacy of reserves. In terms of the Revenue Medium Term Financial Plan 2024/25 to 2026/27
Executive: 1) Note the updated financial planning assumptions following the Final
Local Government Finance Settlement, together with confirmed government income
sources, expenditure plans and local income budgets. 2) Recommend to Council budget proposals for savings and income
generation of £13.910m in 2024/25 rising to £21.028m in 2026/27, which
incorporated the revisions to savings in light of the
consultation response as set out in Appendix 3. 3) Recommend to
Council an increase in Council Tax of
4.99% resulting in a Council Tax level (Band D) of
£1,975.76 excluding parish, Fire, and Police precepts (detailed in Appendix 7). 4) Note that after all available measures had been taken in relation to
budget proposals, a budget gap of £4.7m existed representing a shortfall of
annual income compared to net expenditure plans. Therefore, the Council was
dependent upon approval by DLUHC to capitalise this
expenditure and finance it from Council borrowing under the provisions of
Exceptional Financial Support (EFS) in order to set a
balanced budget for 2024/25. 5) Recommend to Council
the approval of the proposed General
Fund revenue budget for
2024/25 with a net budget requirement of £143.190m after
adjusting for the capitalisation of £4.7m of revenue expenditure relating to
EFS; 6) Note whilst the budget gap for 2024/25 has been addressed by the
EFS, there would still be a budget gap of £7.474m in 2025/26 and £0.491m in
2026/27 resulting in a cumulative budget gap over the MTFP period of £7.965m.
Further savings proposals arising from the Transformation Programme
would be required as a minimum to meet these budget gaps. 7) Note that in assessing the adequacy of reserves in the context of
financial risks within the Council’s operating environment, the s151 Officer
had determined that financial provision for: • the sum of £3.5m in relation to savings delivery risk • the sum of £4.6m in relation to the timing of realisation
of capital receipts to fund Transformation expenditure were required in the form of capitalisation of expenditure to be funded from Council
borrowing under the provisions of EFS to provide assurance on the adequacy of
reserves, should those risks crystalise. 8) Note that the recommended budget was
dependent upon DLUHC approval of EFS in the sum of £13.4m in
order for it to be considered and approved by Council as a robust and
deliverable balanced budget. 9) Note that in the event of DLUHC not
approving EFS totaling £13.4m, the s151 Officer would have no option but to
issue a s114 Notice under s14(3) of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 with
the implications as set out in paragraph 4.11 of Appendix 2. In terms ... view the full decision text for item 23/77 Minutes: The Mayor and Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health
submitted a report for Executive’s consideration. The Mayor advised Executive of an amendment to Appendix 5 of the report which
was tabled at the meeting and circulated to Members. The report proposed a 2024/25 net revenue budget of £143.190m, and Medium-Term
Financial Plan (MTFP) for the period 2024/25 to 2026/27 following the
confirmation of the Local Government Finance Settlement and set out the
financial planning assumptions applicable to the budget based upon the best
information available at the time. A Council tax increase for 2024/25 of 4.99% was proposed, comprising 2%
Adult Social Care Precept and 2.99% Core Council tax which was within the
referendum limits set by Government. The report proposed a Capital Programme of £88.549m for 2024/25 and
totalled £174.980m over the period from 2024/25 to 2026/27 together with a
financing statement comprising a combination of external funding and council
resources. In addition, the proposed capital strategy set out the Council’s
approach to capital investment and financing, including the forecast levels of
borrowing and the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Policy which governed how the
Council accounted for debt repayment in accordance with statutory regulations.
The Capital programme provided for EFS of £13.4m to be financed from borrowing
over a period of up to 20 years whilst the actual amount and terms would be
determined by the s151 Officer, based upon the actual requirements, borrowing
rates and an assessment of revenue affordability at the appropriate time during
the 2024/25 financial year. A summary of the Schools’ Budget and allocation of the Dedicated Schools
Grant (DSG) as determined under the Department for Education’s (DfE’s) National
Funding Formula, together with an overview of the financial pressures on the
DSG High Needs Block and forecast deficit which was being addressed under the
Delivering Better Value (DBV) Programme. The s151 Officer’s recommended Reserves Policy for 2024/25 set out the
plan for replenishing and maintaining usable revenue reserves over the period
of the MTFP in order to achieve financial recovery and re-establish the
Council’s financial resilience. The s151 Officer’s recommended Fees and Charges Policy sets out the
proposed framework within which discretionary charged for services would be
reviewed and fees and charges set in the future in order to ensure financial
viability of discretionary services. The report was underpinned by the Section 151 Officer’s report in accordance with s25 of the Local Government Act 2003 which assessed the robustness of budget estimates and the adequacy of financial reserves in the context of the known financial risks that existed in the Council’s operating environment. The report set out the responsibilities of all officers and members to work collaboratively together in order to enable the Council to successfully navigate the complex and challenging path to recover its financial position and achieve financial sustainability over the medium term. Under s31A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, the Council was required to have regard to this report when making decisions on agreeing the budget and ... view the full minutes text for item 23/77 |
Increased Residential and Supported Accommodation for Children in Care and Care Leavers PDF 770 KB Additional documents:
Decision: ORDERED that Executive approve the revised approach which is built
into the proposed 2024/25 budget and MTFP 2024/25 to 2026/27. AGREED that
Executive: 1.
Note the reasons why the original plan could not be
delivered and its removal from the MTFP. 2.
Note further savings that will be incorporated into
future MTFP periods. Minutes: The Executive Member
for Children’s Services submitted a report for Executive’s consideration. The report presented the revised plans to
achieve savings of £0.450m in 2025/26 and £0.615m in 2026/27, totalling £1.065m
by the end of the current MTFP period on 31 March 2027 (reference: 24/25 CC03). Further, it was anticipated that
a further saving of £0.850m would be achievable in
2027/28 which was beyond the current MTFP period. This plan aimed to deliver a
total saving of £1.915m over a 4-year period, replacing the original saving of
£1.848m that was incorporated into the 2023/24 budget to deliver £0.787m in
23/24 and £1.061m in 2024/25 which had been determined to be undeliverable as
originally planned. Due to the operational activity being brought online during
2024/25 the savings will be realised from 2025/26. The Children’s Services Financial Improvement plan approved in February
2023 included elements of increasing the in-house estate for Children’s care. During the course of the 12 months significant efforts were
made to identify suitable properties to bring online. These efforts were
hampered for two key reasons: 1.
At the commencement of the year significant
time was spent exploring a large property which could have met the needs of our
16+ cohort. Months exploring this including the refurbishment feasibility were
undertaken, however it transpired there were issues with the refurbishment and
build that had already been undertaken which would have left a legal liability
on the local authority to resolve. The focus on this area led to a delay in
project achievements. 2.
The cost of refurbishment, when seeking to
convert any existing council asset to a residential home were prohibitive and
did not represent value for money. This had therefore led to a strategy for
future consideration being the identification of suitable properties with
minimal renovation work required. Under the revised plan, Middlesbrough Council
would reduce the use of the external high-cost placements and grow the
residential and supported accommodation offer, by increasing Middlesbrough
Council’s in house offer and building partnerships with commissioned providers. Middlesbrough Council’s residential and
supported accommodation occupancy was mainly high (residential homes 95% in
January 2024, supported accommodation 100% and higher needs supported lodgings
78%), which meant that Middlesbrough Council could not place any more children
in their own lower costing, higher quality residential and supported
accommodation placements. Instead, Middlesbrough Council were using
external organisations to provide homes for Middlesbrough children and young
people, which on average, comes at a higher cost than Children’s Services
provides. On average, Middlesbrough Council residential homes cost £3,300 per
week to operate, and on average currently the average cost of an external
residential children’s home placement was £5,600 per week. Middlesbrough Council had forecast that the
current active 76 external residential placements for children with a total
forecast cost of £14.4m for 2023/24 (after contributions from Health and
Education as of December 2023). The Executive Member for Children’s Services
thanked officers for their involvement in the creation of the report. ORDERED that Executive approve the revised approach which ... view the full minutes text for item 23/78 |
Treasury Management Strategy 2024/25 PDF 243 KB Additional documents: Decision: ORDERD That 1) Approve the Prudential Indicators and
limits for 2024/25 to 2026/27 relating to capital expenditure and treasury
management activity set out in tables 1 to 10 of Appendix 1. 2) Approve the Treasury Management Strategy
for 2024/25, which included the Annual Investment Strategy for 2024/25 at
Appendix 1 of the report. 3) Approve the Minimum Revenue Provision
(MRP) Policy for 2024/25 at Appendix 1 of the report. 4) Approve an Authorised Limit for External
Debt of £372m for the 2024/25 financial year. Minutes: The Executive Member
for Finance and Governance submitted a report for Executive’s consideration. The report outlined the Council’s prudential indicators for the financial
years 2024/25 – 2026/27 and set the framework and approved the limits within
which the treasury management operations for this period. It fulfilled key
legislative and guidance requirements: a.
setting of the prudential indicators in relation to the expected capital
activities and treasury management prudential indicators (included as treasury
indicators) in line with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and
Accountancy (CIPFA) Treasury Management Code of Practice. b.
treasury management strategy statement which set out how the Council’s treasury
function would support capital decisions taken above, day to day treasury
management activities on service delivery and any limitations on these, via the
treasury prudential indicators. c.
approval of the Council’s Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Policy, which set out
how the Council would pay for borrowing to fund capital investment through the
revenue budget each year. d.
key indicator was the Authorised Limit, the maximum amount of debt the Council
could enter into during the financial year. This amount acted as the legal
limit for debt activity. e.
investment strategy which set out the Council’s criteria for choosing the
investment counterparties and limiting exposures to the risk of loss. The information contained in the report regarding the Council’s capital
expenditure plans, Treasury Management and Prudential Borrowing activities
indicated that they were: ·
the statutory framework and consistent with the relevant codes of practice. ·
affordable, and sustainable. ·
integral part of the Council’s Revenue and Capital Medium Term Financial Plans. ORDERD That 1) Approve the Prudential Indicators and
limits for 2024/25 to 2026/27 relating to capital expenditure and treasury
management activity set out in tables 1 to 10 of Appendix 1. 2) Approve the Treasury Management Strategy
for 2024/25, which included the Annual Investment Strategy for 2024/25 at
Appendix 1 of the report. 3) Approve the Minimum Revenue Provision
(MRP) Policy for 2024/25 at Appendix 1 of the report. 4) Approve an Authorised Limit for External
Debt of £372m for the 2024/25 financial year. OPTIONS It was a statutory requirement to approve the annual treasury management
strategy and set of prudential indicators by the Council. As a result, there were no alternatives
submitted as part of the report. REASONS The recommendations requested would fulfil the following for the local
authority: 1)
with the Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities and the
Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities (DLUHC) guidance on
investments. 2)
with the Treasury Management Code of Practice for Local Authorities. 3)
with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2003 Part 1. 4)
approve a financial governance framework within which officers will operate
when making both borrowing and investment decisions and entering financial
transactions. |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered. Minutes: None. All decisions will come into force after five working
days following the day the decision(s) was published unless the decision
becomes subject to the call in procedures. |