Venue: Mandela room
Contact: Susie Blood
No. | Item |
Welcome and evacuation procedure Minutes: The Chair
welcomed members and officers to the meeting and went through the evacuation
procedure. |
Apologies for Absence Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were
no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes- Corporate Parenting Board- 18 October 2022 Minutes: The minutes
of the Corporate Parenting board held on 18 October 2022 were read and agreed
as a true record. |
Ofsted Update The Board
will provided with some information relating to the recent Ofsted visit. Minutes: Rachel Farnham, Director of Children’s Care provided the board
with a brief summary of the recent Ofsted update. The visit
took place on 1st and 2nd November 2022, however the
findings of the visit were currently embargoed and a full update would be
provided the Board on 11 January 2023. The
Director did however state that the inspection went well and Ofsted agreed with the self-assessment score which was
conducted by the Council. AGREED ·
the update be noted, ·
a further update be submitted to the next Corporate Parenting Board on 11
January 2023. |
Inspector Deb Fenny, will present the Kingfisher report and discuss the request
of becoming a corporate grandparent. Additional documents: Minutes: Item
deferred. |
Participation of Children and Young People Kathy Peacock, Voice and Influence Manager will
be in attendance to provide an update to the Board. She will be joined by Adam Hart, CAMHS /
HeadStart Apprentice and Xavier Davies, Apprentice Youth
Training & Development Officer. Minutes: The
Chair welcomed Kathy Peacock, Voice and Influence Manager and Adam Hart, CAMHS / HeadStart
Business Administrator Apprentice who were in attendance to provide the
standard item update relating to activities of our care experienced young
people 19 October 2022-29 November 2022 Adam provided
further information to the Board on activities over the last 6 weeks: 1.
24 October 2022, members of the children in care council (CICC)
went for lunch. 2.
During care leavers week ( October half
term), a number of Halloween themed events took place, including for example,
apple bobbing, pumpkin carving and ‘ what’s in the box’. The young people were
joined by senior decision makers and Pathway staff and presented with
affirmation cards saying how proud they were of the young people. 3.
Get together meal at Fellinis. 4.
Our young CICC leader (Adam) who is part of the ‘Music producers’
(a collaboration with MusINC and the Participation Team
put on their Town Hall take over on 30 October 2022. 85 young people attended
included members of CICC. 5.
During the Jump 360 event, 23 looked after young people attended.
As well as jumping and eating food, there was an engagement exercise where the
young people were asked four questions, asked to help chose a new name of the
children in care council, meet with an advisor from the National Youth Advocacy
Service (NYAS)
and they told us what they would like for their Christmas party. 6.
The questions and key messages from the engagement event with
shared with the board The Board also heard about the
activities that the care experienced people plan over the next few months,
including: 1. Help care leavers write their ‘local offer’ and create an animation
(with help from Middlesbrough College students). 2. Have a children party for children looked after – 22 December 2022 3. Plan a care leavers celebration in March 2023. 4. Support the care leavers Christmas day meal- by ensuring as many care
leavers as possible attend and raising money through selling raffle tickets to
provide presents and hampers for our care leavers. 5. Arrange for Care experienced young people to meet their corporate
parents prior to a Full Council meeting. A date will be arranged in due course. After the presentation,
Kathy requested that if any members would like to donate selection boxes for
the young people to get in touch. Members might also like to get involved in
the Christmas day meal and further details would be circulated in due course. The Chair also advised that
she had contacted Acklam Hall regarding the Christmas
party for care experienced young people but sadly they were not forthcoming. The officers were thanked
for their presentation. AGREED That the update be noted. |
Performance against Corporate Parenting Board Strategy Rachel
Farnham, Director of Children’s care will present the scorecard. Minutes: Item
deferred. |
The PROCLAIM initiative Victoria
Banks, Virtual School Head will present the PROCLAIM initiative. Additional documents: Minutes: Victoria Banks, Virtual school Head was in attendance
to provide Board members with a succinct overview of the PROCLAIM: Providing Rich
Opportunities for Children who are Looked After in Middlesbrough. The model had been
designed to improve practice within schools. The Head provided information on PROCLAIM vision, mission and purpose and explained how the Local Authority will
support schools to become ‘attachment aware and trauma-informed’ (AATI). The Board were made
aware that a wide body of research demonstrates that attachment aware and
trauma-informed schools provide many short and long-term benefits to children
and adults including for example:
Some research even
suggests that life span could be increased.
PROCLAIM initiative is expected to improve the lives and outcomes of all
children in Middlesbrough, and will be of particular benefit to the most
vulnerable. The PROCLAIM initiative was a bespoke project
designed specifically to meet the needs of children in Middlesbrough and to
compliment other work being delivered in schools by partner agencies. The Board
were made aware that no other local authority driven strategy is able to
address the specific needs of children as set out in the document so
comprehensively. The Board heard that so far 10 schools has signed
up to PROCLAIM and the PROCLAIM project aims to support all Middlesbrough
schools to become attachment
aware and trauma-informed by 2025. A Board member enquired the length of time for a
teacher to become trained in attachment
aware and trauma-informed. In response, the Head advised it was like a journey.
The project supports them, provides training, support groups and provides them
with information on the 5 strands of PROCLAIM. The board complimented the project and looked forward to further
updated. AGREED That the information be noted. |
South Tees Youth Offending Service Kay Dargue, Head of Service will provide the annual update with specific reference to children looked after. Minutes: The Chair welcomed Kay Dargue, Head of South Tees
Justice Board to the meeting. The Head of service had provided a report to
inform the Board of the annual
update of the work of South Tees Youth Justice Service, with specific reference
to children looked after. The Head of service provided some context in relation
to the South Tees Youth Justice board (STYJB), advising that the The Youth Justice Board (YJB) are clear that
the justice system must see “children as children first, and offenders second”. In line with the
Child First vision, the YJB wants to make sure that children are not
unnecessarily criminalised as a result of their vulnerabilities and the
challenges they face. South Tees Youth Justice Service is aligned to the values
of the YJB, and the ‘child first, offender second’ ethos has been used to
inform the values and principles which underpin our work with young people and
their families. The Board were
aware that the service was previously known at the South Tees Youth Offending
service, however after consultation with young people, they felt this portrayed
a negative image and therefore on 1 July 2022, it was launched under the new
name of South Tees Youth Justice Board (STYJB). STYJB have strong partnership arrangements with
Children’s safeguarding services at strategic and operational levels and engage
at a managerial level at a number of multi- agency forums designed to ensure
the safety and well being of young people. Reducing the number
of Children who are Looked After in the criminal justice system is a key
priority for STYJS. They seek to work proactively with those young people who
experience significant vulnerabilities including children in local authority
care. Their work with looked after children is in line with the National
protocol on reducing unnecessary criminilisation of looked after children and
care leavers 2018. The service works closely with the virtual schools and also
the participation team to bring together skills and thoughts. STYJB offer a range
of additional activity for children who are looked after, including: •
with Cleveland Police and Children’s Home staff to ensure those young people in
Children’s Homes who offend have their offending behaviour addressed
appropriately, including the use of restorative intervention as a solution to
minimise prosecution •
active STYJS attendance at all planning or strategy meetings for young people
with Children looked after status •
safeguarding case managers provide an essential link to Children’s Services
teams in both Local Authorities as well as providing advice and guidance to
colleagues on safeguarding issues and processes. •
all Intervention Plans for Children looked after are shared with young people,
their carers and colleagues from Children’s Services •
supervision arrangements between STYJS and Middlesbrough Children’s Services
are in place offering the opportunity to share decision making and agree
strategies to meet the needs of young people known to both services. • A working agreement between STYJS and Early Help is in place to ensure joint planning and supervision ... view the full minutes text for item 22/10 |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered. Minutes: No items. |