Venue: Mandela room
Contact: Susie Blood
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were
no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes- Corporate Parenting Board- 22 February 2023 Minutes: The minutes of the Corporate Parenting Board held on 22 February 2023 were read and accepted as a true record. |
Corporate Parenting Board- Official name change Following consultation with care experienced young people, the name of the Board will now be known as ‘You matter to Us- Corporate Parenting Board’. Minutes: The
Chair advised that following consultation with our care experienced young
people, it was felt that the Corporate Parenting Board should be renamed to a title
which was more reflective of the Boards purpose. It was therefore proposed that
that the name of the Board be changed to changed to
‘You Matter to Us- Corporate Parenting Board’. The Chair conducted a vote in respect to the name change and all were in favour. AGREED: -
That the Corporate Parenting Board’s name
be changed with the following- You Matter to us- the Corporate Parenting
Board. -
That the name change be formally approved by Council. Corporate Parenting Board was reconstituted as
a Council Committee on 16 January 2019, therefore any
changes would require to be formally approved by Council. |
Corporate Parenting Board- Draft new terms of reference The Board is asked to consider the new terms of reference for the Corporate Parenting Board. Once agreed, the new terms of reference will be circulated to Full Council for information. Minutes: The Chair presented the draft new terms of reference for the Corporate Parenting Board. It was outlined that once agreed, these would be submitted to Council for information. It was clarified that in the original terms of reference circulated there had been a comment regarding the Corporate Parenting Board taking over the governance of the Virtual School Governing Body. The Democratic Services Officer outlined that this was not the case as the Governing Body would continue to run as it was with support from the Corporate Parenting Board. The Terms of reference had been updated to reflect this. AGREED That the Terms of reference for You Matter to Us- The Corporate Parenting Board, be agreed and submitted to Council for formal approval. |
Care Experienced Youth Voice update February-August 2023 The board will receive an update from our care experienced young people on activity between February- August 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair welcomed Adam, Holly and Caitlin to the meeting. The 3 care experienced young people had become care ambassadors and had been co-opted onto the Board. Adam firstly outlined that Middlesbrough's Participation Team
facilitates open, safe, and inclusive spaces for care experienced young people
to tell us what is important to them. The team capture this information and
support them to tell officers and councillors so you can improve the support
they and others receive. There were currently two groups which were supported: 'We
Matter' (Middlesbrough's Children in Care Council) ·
experienced young people aged 11 - 16 years meet fortnightly at Easterside Hub 17:00 - 18:30pm. We have five members ·
have fun, have a voice and create events to hear from their care experienced peers ·
share their views with key decision makers who act on what they say and
positively change services to meet their needs ·
will support teams to act on what they say and help monitor the 'You Said, We Will, We Did reporting tool ·
meet with young people at their residential homes Older
Care Experienced Young People ·
have three older care experienced who have volunteer
roles as Care Ambassadors and are co-opted onto the Corporate Parenting Board. ·
Care Ambassadors will support the work of 'We Matter' and create engagement
events for their older care experienced peers ·
work with Pathways to support them with their events - Annual celebration
event, Christmas dinner and we will engage with their care experienced young
adults at the Forum The young people provided an update in relation to the groups between February- August 2023. Whilst all the updates were outlined in the report, below are a number of examples given: Adam firstly outlined that Middlesbrough's Participation Team
facilitates open, safe, and inclusive spaces for care experienced young people
to tell us what is important to them. We capture this information and support
them to tell you so you can improve the support they and others receive. There were currently two groups which were supported: 'We
Matter' (Middlesbrough's Children in Care Council) ·
experienced young people aged 11 - 16 years meet fortnightly at Easterside Hub 17:00 - 18:30pm. There are five members. ·
have fun, have a voice and create events to hear from their care experienced peers ·
share their views with key decision makers who act on what they say and
positively change services to meet their needs ·
will support teams to act on what they say and help monitor the 'You Said, We Will, We Did reporting tool ·
meet with young people at their residential homes Older
Care Experienced Young People ·
have three older care experienced who have volunteer
roles as Care Ambassadors and are co-opted onto the Corporate Parenting Board. ·
Care Ambassadors will support the work of 'We Matter' and create engagement
events for their older care experienced peers · We work with Pathways to support them with their events - Annual celebration event, ... view the full minutes text for item 22/6 |
You said, We will, We did Following the engagement event on 25th July 2023, the information discussed has been incorporated into the’ you said, we will, we did document’, a corporate document shared within children services. This is for information only and further explanations will be provided if required. Minutes: On
25 July 2023, a number members from the Corporate Parenting Board and officers
met with Middlesbrough’s care experienced young people to discuss what matters
to them in terms of their mental health and wellbeing. The
statements and comments were collated into the ‘you said we will, we did ‘
document, attached to the agenda pack for the meeting. The
document has been provided for information. AGREED That the ‘You said, we will, we did’ document be noted, |
Mental Health- Support Rob Hamer, Interim Head of Service (Residential responsible individual, supported accommodation, Resource and Care leavers) will be in attendance to clarify any information to the Board. Minutes: To
support our care experienced young people, Donna Horsley, Clinical Nurse
Specialist works directly within the Pathways Leaving Care Team/ Middlesbrough
Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service. The
report within the pack detailed the support provided to our care experienced
young people. Rob
Hamer, Interim Head of Service – Residential,
Supported Accommodation, Resource & Care Leavers ,
was in attendance to provide any further clarity to the Board. AGREED That the report be noted. |
Exclusion of Press and Public To consider passing a Resolution Pursuant to Section 100A (4) Part 1 of the Local Government Act 1972 excluding the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the following items on the grounds that if present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information falling within paragraphs 1 and 3 Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. Minutes: ORDERED that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for
the following items on the grounds that, if present, there would be disclosure to
them of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 3 of Part 1 of
Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and that the public interest in
maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the
information. |
Virtual school update Victoria Banks, Head of Virtual schools will provide an update in relation to virtual schools. Minutes: Victoria Banks, Virtual school Head was in attendance to provide an update to the Board in relation to the education of your children looked after. AGREED That the update be noted. |