Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Susan Lightwing
No. | Item | ||||||||||||
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes:
Minutes - Teesside Pension Board - 19 April 2021 Minutes: The minutes of the
meeting of the Teesside Pension Board held on 19 April 2021 were taken as read
and approved as a correct record. |
Minutes - Teesside Pension Fund Committee - 10 March 2021 Minutes: A copy of the
minutes of the Teesside Pension Fund Committee meeting held on 10 March 2021
was submitted for information. NOTED |
Teesside Pension Fund Committee - 23 June 2021 Verbal Report Minutes: The Head of
Pensions Governance and Investments provided a verbal update on agenda items
considered at a meeting of the Teesside Pension Fund Committee held on 10 March
2021. Items considered by the Committee included: ·
Investment Activity Report. ·
External Managers’ Reports. ·
Border to Coast Update. ·
Revised Funding Strategy Statement/Employer
Flexibilities. ·
Investment Advisors’ Reports. ·
CBRE Property Report. ·
XPS Pension Administration Report. ·
Local Investment Proposals (Exempt). It was highlighted that Border to Coast were employing more staff than
originally anticipated and it was queried whether this would lead to any
financial implications for the Teesside Pension Fund. It was clarified that Border to Coast were
employing more staff as they were investing more money. Ultimately the cost of employing staff was
spread across investments and therefore there should not be any significant
impact. A concern was raised regarding the potential impact of increasing
inflation on the triennial valuation of the Fund. The Actuary would take a long term view of
inflation and if appropriate could alter their assumptions, which could in turn
increase the cost of the Fund’s liabilities. Responding to a query regarding how quickly the Fund could change its
approach to investments, it was confirmed that the Section 151 Officer had
delegated powers to take action if needed, although that was not the preferred
approach. AGREED that the information provided was received and noted. |
Pension Board Membership Minutes: A report of the
Director of Finance was presented, the purpose of which was to: ·
ask the Chair to appoint a Deputy Chair from the
Employer representatives; ·
update the Members of the Teesside Pension Board
(the Board) on progress and proposals to fill vacancies on the Board; ·
remind the Board that the Deputy Chair will become
the Chair (by rotation) by the next meeting. The Chair informed the Committee that Gary Whitehouse, the previous
Deputy Chair and also a former Chair, had recently resigned from the
Board. The Chair placed on record his
thanks to Gary for his contributions to the Board. The Chair reported that he had invited
Councillor Cooper to be Deputy Chair of the Board, and he was pleased to report
that Councillor Cooper had accepted. Under the Board’s terms of reference, the role of Deputy Chair was
appointed by the Chair. The Deputy
Chair would become the Chair by the next meeting through rotation, which
happened every two years as set out in the terms of reference. The new Chair
would then be required to select a Deputy Chair from the scheme-member Board
representatives at the next meeting. There was currently a vacancy for an employer-nominated Board member
from the ‘other employers’ constituency.
All employers had been written to asking for expressions of interest but
no responses had been received to date.
An additional targeted attempt would be made concentrating on the larger
employers who had more involvement and connection with the Fund. The current pensioner representative and Board Chair’s term of office
would end in July 2021. All Fund
pensioners would be given the opportunity to apply for the pensioner
representative role which would be publicised online and also through a
pensioner newsletter scheduled to go out during late summer/early autumn. The Head of Pensions Governance and Investments would coordinate the
recruitment process and report back on progress to the next Board meeting. As this was the
current Chair’s last meeting, Members of the Board thanked Colin Monson for his
contributions and support to the Committee as both Deputy Chair and Chair,
since its inception. AGREED as follows that: ·
the report was noted. ·
Members noted the appointed of Councillor Cooper as
Deputy Chair of the Teesside Pension Board. |
Funding Strategy Statement Consultation Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Pensions Governance and Investment presented a report to
advise Members of the Teesside Pension Board of a consultation on proposed
changes to the Funding Strategy Statement which took into account recently
published guidance on flexibilities available to employers in the Fund in
relation to contribution rates, including contributions due when an employer
exited the Fund. The Funding Strategy Statement set out how the administering authority
attempted to balance the conflicting aims of affordable contributions, transparency
of processes, stability of employers’ contributions, and prudence in the
funding basis. The Funding Strategy
Statement was reviewed at least every three years, as part of the Fund’s
actuarial valuation, and was also subject to review when changes to the
regulations or guidance governing the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS)
required. A copy of the revised Funding Strategy Statement was enclosed at
Appendix A to the submitted report and the substantive changes from the
previous version were as follows: ·
The Statement explained how Deferred Employers and
their liabilities would be treated. For
example for most Deferred Employers the expectation was the funding target for
employers with orphan liabilities would be used, as usually no employer would
be supporting their liabilities once their deferred debt agreement ended. ·
Any employer exits calculated after 23 June 2021
would include an allowance for the cost management process and the proposed remedy
for the ‘McCloud’ discrimination as set out in MHCLG’s consultation on draft
regulations, as well as an allowance for payment of increases on Guaranteed
Minimum Pensions (GMPs) at the full rate of CPI (price inflation) for members
with a State Pension Age after 5 April 2016, consistent with the Government’s
policy intention. This was currently expected to result in an increase in exit
liabilities of approximately 0.7%. ·
The factors to be considered when considering
allowing payment of exit debt in instalments and/or entering into a deferred
debt arrangement were set out - such as employer covenant and whether any
security or guarantee were available. ·
Details of how the process for reviewing an
employer’s contribution rate between valuations would operate, including
dealing with an employer-generated request in relation to this. This included
clarification that an employer request based purely on a change in market
conditions affecting the value of assets and or liabilities would not be
allowed. Detail of an appeals process – separate and in addition to the
existing dispute resolution procedure which the Fund operates – was also
included. ·
The section on risks and control had been updated,
adding risks relating to climate change and Covid-19 and updating the regulatory
risks wording. AGREED as follows: 1.
that Members
note that the enclosed revised Funding Strategy Statement had been approved by
the Pension Fund Committee and circulated to Fund employers for comment. 2.
If there were any substantive changes following
this consultation, the revised wording would be taken back to the Committee for
approval, otherwise the document would be published on the Fund’s website after
the consultation period. |
Draft Annual Pension Fund Report and Accounts 2020/2021 Additional documents: Minutes: The 2020/21 draft
unaudited Annual Report and Accounts for the Teesside Pension Fund were
presented to the Board for noting. The terms of reference for the Teesside Pension Fund Committee required
the Annual Report and Accounts to be considered by Members. The draft unaudited
Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2021 were attached to the
submitted report which would be presented to the Pension Fund Committee meeting
on 28 July 2021. The Head of Pensions Governance and Investment highlighted the positive
financial performance of the Fund and the membership movement. Questions were raised in relation to
increased administrative costs and how the performance of Border to Coast could
be compared to other pools. The Annual Report and Accounts presented were in draft form and, whilst
the main numbers and outcomes were not expected to change, although changes
might be needed as further review took place. In addition, the audit process
was not complete and further changes may be required as a consequence. When complete and fully audited the Annual
Report and Accounts will be published on the Pension Fund’s website. AGREED that the 2020/21 draft unaudited Annual Report and Accounts were noted. |
Update on Current Issues Minutes: The Head of Pensions Governance and Investments presented a
report to provide Members of the Teesside Pension Board (the Board) with an
update on current issues affecting the Pension Fund locally or the Local
Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) in general. The following issues were highlighted: • Review of
the Cost Control Mechanism. The
Government Actuary had provided a final report to HM Treasury, which had issued a consultation document
proposing three changes to the cost control
mechanism: - Moving
to a reformed scheme only design: to remove any allowance for legacy schemes in
the cost control mechanism, so the mechanism only considered past and future service in the
reformed schemes. This ensured consistency between the set of benefits being
assessed and the set of benefits potentially being adjusted; - Widening
the corridor: to widen the corridor from 2% to 3% of pensionable pay. This
aimed to achieve a better balance between stability and responsiveness of the
cost control mechanism; and - Introducing
an economic check: currently the mechanism did not include changes in long-term
economic assumptions and therefore could not consider the actual cost to the
Government of providing the pension benefits. The Government proposed
introducing an economic check so that a breach of the mechanism would only be
implemented if it would still have occurred had the long-term economic
assumptions been considered. The impact
on the LGPS if these proposals took effect was currently unclear and at the current time
there was no detail on whether the Scheme
Advisory Board mechanism would
be amended in line with any of the consultation’s proposals. • Climate
Change Disclosures The
government published a response to its January 2021 consultation on “Taking action on climate risk:
improving governance and reporting by occupational
pension schemes” on 2 July 2021. The
outcome of the consultation confirmed that by 1 October 2021, private
sector schemes with assets in excess
of £5 billion, and by 1 October 2022, private
sector schemes with assets in excess of
£1 billion, will need to have appropriate governance
arrangements in place to identify, assess and manage climate-related risks and opportunities and be preparing to
publish annual reports setting out climate-related
metrics, targets and transition plans in line with
the Task force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Whilst none
of this directly applied to the LGPS, the government had indicated that a consultation would
be issued soon (followed by regulations) to
bring the LGPS into line with private sector schemes in this area. The Fund
was in ongoing discussions with Border to Coast and with its partner Funds in Border to Coast to investigate
whether there was an opportunity for collaboration
or joint working in measuring carbon exposure and meeting the TCFD reporting requirements. The Fund had
also made initial contact with all its
investment managers to understand what reporting details would be initially available in respect of each of
the Fund’s investments. Further updates would be provided to the Board on both
issues as appropriate. AGREED that the information provided was ... view the full minutes text for item 21/8 |
Minutes: A report of the Director of Finance was presented to request
Members of the Teesside Pension Board (the Board) to agree a future work plan
framework. Details of the Board’s Terms of Reference and Duties were
included in the submitted report. A copy of the Teesside Board Work Plan was attached at
Appendix A to the submitted report. The
items on the work plan would delivered mainly through reports provided at
future Board meetings. It was noted that a training budget of up to £40K was
available for Committee and Board members. AGREED that the information provided was received and noted. |
XPS Administration Report Additional documents: Minutes: A report was presented to provide an overview of administration services
provided to the Teesside Pension Fund by XPS Administration. The following items were highlighted: • 2020 LGPS Scheme Annual
Report. • DWP Consultation on
pension scams. • Prudential. • Covid-19 – XPS update. • Membership Movement. • Member Self-Service. • Complaints. • Common Data. • Conditional Data. • Customer Service. • Service Development • Performance. • Employer Liaison. Following easing of lockdown restrictions, there had been an increase in
staff returning to the office. XPS had
released a new working model called “My XPS, My Choice” which would trial from
August 2021. Staff could decide whether
they wanted to be office based, home based, or work flexibly between the two. Employer Health Checks had continued, as well as some face to face
employer training which had been extremely well received. XPS staff were currently working on the year
end exercise to ensure that the Annual Benefits Statements would be sent by 31
August 2021. There had been a 42% increase in website traffic on the Teesside Pension
Fund’s updated website and a 15.5% increase in new users. A website accessibility tool had recently
been added to the website. XPS were currently reviewing processes to enable a move to monthly
contribution postings which should lead to greater efficiencies, and more up to
date information on member records. It was expected that this would happen
during the 2021/22 financial year. The Chair noted that XPS had been working on
a method to report Conditional Data for some time and progress appeared
slow. Discussions were still ongoing
with Aquila Heywood on a cost for this reporting function along with
investigation on whether this could be achieved internally. Of the 22 data
fields that should be reported on, currently only 6 were reported, as detailed
in the submitted report. It was
suggested that XPS should aim to add 2 additional reporting fields per month as
a way to work towards reporting on the full 22 as quickly as possible. XPS had achieved 100 percent on the KPIs and details were attached at
Appendix A to the submitted report. AGREED that as follows:
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered Minutes: None. |