Venue: Mandela Room
Contact: Susie Blood
No. | Item |
Election of Chair Pro tem Minutes: In
the absence of the Chair of the meeting, nominations were sought for the Chair
Pro-Tem. Councillor
David Jackson was nominated and seconded as Chair Pro Tem
of the Adult Social Care and Services scrutiny Panel. AGREED that the Councillor Jackson be
appointed as Chair Pro Tem of the Adult Social Care
and Services Scrutiny Panel. |
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were
no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes- Adult Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel - 29 March 2023 and 13 July 2023 Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Adult Social Care and Services scrutiny panel meeting held on 29 March 2023 and 13 July 2023 were submitted and approved as a correct record. |
Overview of CQC framework Erik Scollay, Director of Adult Social Care and Health Integration will be in attendance to provide an overview of the CQC framework. Minutes: The Director of People, Erik
Scollay was in attendance to provide an overview of the CQC approach to
inspecting local authorities. The Director advised the
panel that: ·
The Care Quality
Commission (CQC) are responsible for inspecting and regulating health and
social care services in England, including local authorities. ·
The CQC carries
out inspections to ensure that local authorities are delivering high-quality
care and support services to their communities. ·
These inspections
help to identify areas for improvement and provide assurance to the public that
the local authorities are meeting the required standards. The key components to the CQC
inspection are as follows: •
The CQC gathers information and intelligence about the local authority's
performance, policies, and procedures. •
This includes
reviewing data, conducting interviews with staff and service users, and
assessing documentation. •
inspection: CQC inspectors visit the local authority to assess the delivery of
care and support services. •
observe practice, speak to staff and service users, and review records to
assess compliance with standards. It was expected that the CQC will want to
talk to independent providers , chosen by a
representative of providers. Storyboards will be developed as part of the collaboration •
Evaluation and
Reporting: Following the inspection, the CQC produces a report detailing their
findings and ratings. •
The report
includes strengths, areas for improvement, and ratings based on the quality of
care and support provided. The CQC will be inspecting
Part 1 of the Care Act Duties. The Council has never been inspected in this way.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, there had been a decision to delay the start
of the formal assessments of local authorities. The CQC were currently
providing feedback to the 5 pilot local authorities
and it was anticipated that full assessment would commence by the end of 2023.
The CQC remains committed to conducting thorough inspections and maintaining
the high standards of care and support provided by local authorities. The
revised timeline will be communicated to the local authorities and the CQC will
continue to provide support and guidance during this transitional period. The Director provided the
Panel with Middlesbrough’s current position: ·
CQC draft framework absorbed and understood (Oct/Nov
22) ·
High level baseline completed against the CQC draft
framework (Oct / Nov 22) This consisted of RAG rating each evidence requirement
line by line ·
Delivery tools and monitoring tools developed (Nov 22) ·
Peer review self-assessment submitted with supporting
evidence (Dec 22) Peer review undertaken by Carol Tozer (ex DAS) ·
Peer review completed and feedback received (Jan 23) ·
Detailed baseline sessions commenced (Feb 23) This is based on the released and most updated version
of the framework ·
All relevant outputs from the baseline exercises and
peer review feedback have been fed into an overarching service improvement
action plan owned by the delivery board (Apr 23 – May 23) This action plan is supported by a more detailed
delivery plan which is how we ensure actions are delivered on time The action plan and delivery plans are broken down into ... view the full minutes text for item 23/10 |
What makes effective scrutiny? The Democratic services officer will provide a brief presentation on what makes effective scrutiny. Minutes: The Democratic Services Officer provided a short presentation from the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny, which has been provided to councillors during their induction. The presentation covered information relating to: - What is the work programme for? and - What makes a good scrutiny topic. AGREED- That the presentation be noted. |
Adult Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel- Work Programme report 2023/24 The Panel will be asked to consider the work programme report and determine which topics the Adult social care and services scrutiny panel will investigate during 2023/24. Minutes: The Adult Social Care and Services Scrutiny
Panel was asked to consider its work programme for the 2023/24 municipal year. The Democratic Services Officer presented the submitted
report and the following points were referenced: ·
the start of every municipal year, scrutiny panels discussed the topics that
they would like to review during the coming year. ·
programmes were useful as they provided some structure to a scrutiny panel’s
activity and allowed for the effective planning and preparation of work. ·
in the report was a list of topics that were anticipated to be of particular
interest to the scrutiny panel. Those topics were detailed in the first table of
the submitted report and included: o
CQC inspection o
10 year plan. o
discharge and rehabilitation o
for vulnerable adults ·
had also been received from the Councillors including for example: o
homes and DDA compliance o
providers and DDA compliance o
for keeping over 60’s fit to avoid doctors and hospitalisation. o
Poverty Strategy o
put agency – supporting people to stay in their own homes. o
housing provision- The availability of bungalows and ground floor apartments. ·
considering its work programme, the scrutiny panel was asked to ensure that
topics agreed for inclusion met the criteria detailed at paragraph 13 of the
report. ·
was recommended that the scrutiny panel used the aid, attached at Appendix 1 of
the submitted report, to prioritise issues where scrutiny could make an impact,
add value or contribute to policy development. ·
scrutiny panel was asked to identify two topics it would like to include in its
work programme. Once agreed, those topics would be submitted to the Overview
and Scrutiny Board, on 20 September 2023, for consideration and approval. A discussion ensued and Members referenced the
following areas of interest and concern: ·
the winter approaching, they wanted to consider hospital discharges to ensure
these were done effectively. ·
compliance in care homes provided discussion within the panel as there were
some concerns that some care homes were not able to adapt to the needs of the
individual. ·
a full topic has been carried out last municipal year, the panel raised concern
in relation to the recruitment and retention of social workers. The Director of Adult Social Care was not able
to be in attendance for the discussion, however suggestions for the work
programme would be circulated to him after the meeting and further discussion
would take place. Following discussion, the scrutiny panel was in
agreement that the topics of Care homes and DDA compliance, Staying Put Agency (adaptations and ensuring
older people stay in their own home for longer) and Hospital discharge
. In addition to those prioritised topics, a Member commented on the importance keeping abreast of developments in the CQC inspection and quarterly improvement plans. Members also asked for an update on the Recruitment and retention of social workers, physical activity for the over 60s and Tees ... view the full minutes text for item 23/12 |
Chair's OSB Update The Chair will provide a verbal update on the issues discussed at the last Overview and Scrutiny Board on 26 July 2023. Minutes: Item deferred. |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered. Minutes: No items. |