Venue: Virtual meeting
Contact: Caroline Breheny
No. | Item |
Appointment of the Chair Minutes: AGREED that Councillor Alma Hellaoui be elected as Chair Pro-Tem. |
Appointment of Vice Chair Minutes: AGREED that Councillor Layton be elected as Vice Chair Pro-Tem. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were
no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes of the Meeting held on 19 March 2021 Minutes: The minutes of the Tees Valley Joint Health Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 19 March 2021 were submitted and approved as a correct record. |
Protocol for the Tees Valley Joint Health Scrutiny Committee Minutes: The Democratic Services Officer presented a report confirming the Tees Valley Joint Health Scrutiny Committee protocol and advised that a further amendment was required following the amalgamation of the three individual CCG’s within the Tees Valley into a single Tees Valley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). The protocol would be amended and updated as advised. NOTED |
Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust - Quality Account 2020/2021 Presentation by Avril Lowery, Director of Quality Governance and Dr Chris Lanigan, Head of Planning and Business Development Minutes: Representatives from Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV) presented the Quality Account 2020-21 which provided an update on performance against their quarterly priorities for 2020-21, and sought to engage with the Committee in respect of their emerging priorities for 2021- 22. The Committee welcomed the opportunity to consider and comment on the quality of services at the Trust and the key features of the 2020-21 Quality Account. The Committee had met previously with the Trust representatives to consider the Trust’s quality priorities and overall performance. ·
committee was concerned at the high number of incidents of physical
intervention / restraints, as Tees had the highest number of incidents per 1000
occupied bed days (OBD’s) with 43.64 against the Trust target of 19.25.
Previously the committee was advised that the high rates of restraints in
Teesside were as a result of the eating disorder service being provided in the
area and the use of nasogastric feeding. However, the service is no longer
delivered on Teesside and the rates remain high. ·
committee was advised that Learning
Disability services still have high levels of physical intervention /
restraints although a
number of initiatives were in place to address this issue. These include the introduction of Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)
Leads and investment in staff training and qualifications. ·
The committee was very keen to see significant change in this area and looks forward to seeing the RAG rating for this metric change from red to
amber and then green. ·
The committee was
also concerned that staff were not always giving
dignity and respect to patients. The end
of 2020/21 position was 84.59% against the Trust target of 94.00%. All localities underperformed
in 2020/21, although Teesside were closest to the target with 88.62%. The
committee acknowledged that progress had been made but was keen to see further
improvement in this area. ·
It was
acknowledged that the launch of the ‘Big Conversation’ and the Trust’s ‘Journey
to Change’ highlighted TEWV’s commitment to improving the patient experience
and was a very welcome and positive development. Through this work TEWV had
purposefully engaged with patients, carers, staff and partners and sharpened
its attention and focus on areas for improvement. The committee was also
pleased to see the inclusion of ‘Compassionate Care’ as a quality account
priority for 2020/21 and looked
forward to seeing improvements in respect
of this metric. The
Quality Account Priorities for 2020-21 were identified as below. Two of the three were continuing priorities
from the previous year. ·
Care Plans more Personal ·
Care ·
Care (new for 2020-21) The
priorities were supported by the Committee. Members welcomed the updates on
progress made to date and made the following observations and comments: Progress:- ·
Trust’s open and honest response to concerns raised by the CQC was appreciated.
The Trust had listened and taken on board people’s views in response to the
CQC’s findings. · The notion of the ‘Big Conversation’, its extensiveness and involvement of a wide variety of stakeholders was very ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Any urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair can be considered Minutes: None |