Venue: Virtual meeting
Contact: Caroline Breheny
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were
no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes - Overview and Scrutiny Board - 18 January 2022 Minutes: The minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting held on 18 January were submitted and approved as a correct record. |
Executive Forward Work Programme Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive submitted a
report which identified the forthcoming issues to be considered by the
Executive, as outlined in Appendix A to the report. The report provided the Overview and
Scrutiny Board with the opportunity to consider whether any item contained
within the Executive Forward Work Programme should be considered by the Board,
or referred to a Scrutiny Panel. NOTED |
Executive Member Update Minutes: The Executive Member for Culture and Communities and previous Executive
Member for Education, Cllr Stephen Hill, was in attendance to update the Board
on his aims and aspirations, progress made to date and to highlight any
emerging issues relating to his portfolio. The Director of Children’s Services
and Head of Achievement were also in attendance. The
Executive Member for Culture and Communities explained that he had previously
held the post of Executive Member for Education, prior to the recently
introduced changes to the Executive portfolios, requested by the Mayor. The
first part of this update to the Board would therefore focus on some of the
major achievements and events he had undertaken whilst he held the post of
Executive Member for Education. The
Executive Member advised that as Members were aware SEND provision (Special
Educational Needs & Development) was a major statutory duty undertaken by
the Council, and Middlesbrough had a particularly high SEND need (especially in
children under 5) compared with other Local Authorities. This need had been
exacerbated by COVID, with children being away from school and from each other
for long periods of time, thereby stalling educational progress and the
development of social skills, which had lead to a
significant increase in referrals and requests for assessments, thereby adding
significant pressures on the service area. However, despite these pressures
during 2021, completion of EHCPs (Educational, Health and Care Plans) remained high,
with the 20 week statutory timescale being met in 99 per cent of cases, making
Middlesbrough the 9th best Local Authority in the country in this regard. The
Board was advised that as part of the education department’s ongoing commitment
to SEND provision, the Cleveland Unit, which was formerly housed in James Cook
University Hospital, had moved to the Hemlington Initiative Centre on Cass
House Road. Initially this was meant to be a temporary move but it had now been
confirmed that this would be a permanent move, which was fantastic, as it was a
brilliant facility in Hemlington, with lots of space and specially designed
rooms and gardens for the children who attended, all of whom have varying
degrees of learning difficulties and disabilities. In
terms of school exclusions it was explained that unfortunately, as another
result of COVID there had been a significant rise in the number of children
permanently excluded from school in Middlesbrough. The current figure was 32,
however this figure was expected to rise further. The department was currently
working with two schools, the police and the social care department to develop
an enhanced support programme for the excluded pupil, their parents and school
to combat this increase. The Executive Member advised that he had been assured
that any findings from this work would be shared with all schools, and members
would also be made aware of how this work was progressing, either through the
Executive Member for Children’s Services or the relevant scrutiny panel. The Executive Member explained that those pupils who were looked after were served by our virtual school, ... view the full minutes text for item 20/70 |
Chief Executive's Update Presentation Minutes: The Chief Executive was in attendance and provided an update to the
Board in respect of the following:- ·
COVID-19 update ·
Quarter Three corporate
performance update ·
Governance issues in Local
Government ·
Executive update In terms of the latest local COVID-19 data, as at 17 February 2022 the
rolling seven-day rate of cases per 100k of the Middlesbrough population was as
Reference was made to the quarter three corporate performance update and
it was advised that although the figures appeared to show a dip in performance,
for example Executive Actions completed 72 per cent in quarter three against 97
per cent in quarter two, this had been due to a lag in performance reporting
over the Christmas period rather than an actual dip in performance. This would
be improved and an accurate position on performance would be presented as soon
as possible. It was noted that work was ongoing to develop a refreshed Strategic Plan workplan (activities and associated delivery plans), which would be presented to Executive for approval in April 2022. For information purposes the Board was informed that nationally there had been a number of Councils recently which had recently been identified as having governance failings. This had led to direct Government intervention and a loss of local control. It was emphasised that there were no concerns in respect of governance issues at Middlesbrough Council. However, it was important that Members were aware of the risks and actions taken by Government in respect of governance failings in other areas. A brief synopsis of the recent findings associated with four Councils were provided and these included findings in respect of Liverpool, Sandwell, Wirral and Slough. In relation to the Executive decisions taken recently it was noted that a number of reports had been considered. These included; the corporate performance update; the Revenue and Capital budget outturn position update; the Revenue Budget, Council Tax and Medium Term Financial Plan and Capital Strategy 2022/23; the Virtual School Peer Review and the appointment of External Auditors. A number of reports were expected to be considered by Executive in March 2022 and these included; the Final Report of the Adult Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel on the Recruitment and Retention of Staff within Adult Social Care; a progress update on the Children’s improvement journey; approval for a tender pipeline 2022/2023; approval of the Transport and Infrastructure Capital Programme 2022/23 and an update on the refurbishment and fit out of Fountain Court. The Chair thanked the Chief Executive for his briefing and contribution
to the meeting. NOTED |
Scrutiny Chairs Update Adult Social Care and Services Scrutiny Panel Councillor J. Platt (Chair) Children & Young People’s Learning Scrutiny Panel Councillor D. McCabe (Chair) Children & Young People’s Social Care and Scrutiny
Panel Councillor D. Davison (Chair) Culture and Communities Scrutiny Panel Councillor C. McIntyre (Chair) Economic Development, Environment and Infrastructure
Scrutiny Panel Councillor S. Walker (Chair) Health Scrutiny Panel
Councillor D. Davison (Vice Chair) Minutes: The Scrutiny Chairs/Vice Chairs
provided updates in respect of the work undertaken by their respective panels
since the last meeting of the Board. NOTED |
Revenue and Capital Budget - Projected Outturn position as at Quarter Three 2021/22 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Finance and the Head of Financial Planning
and Support provided an update to the Board; the following points were
The Chair thanked the Director of Finance for his attendance
and contributions to the meeting. AGREED that the information provided be noted, and the agreed actions be undertaken. |
Corporate Performance Update: Quarter Three 2021/22 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Strategy Delivery Manager provided an update to the Board,
which included the following points:
Chair thanked the Strategy Delivery Manager for
their attendance and contribution to the meeting. AGREED that the information
provided be noted, and the agreed action be undertaken. |