Venue: Mandela Committee Room
Contact: Scott Bonner
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were
no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes - Overview and Scrutiny Board - 13 December 2022 PDF 167 KB Minutes: The minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting held on 13 December 2022 were submitted and approved as a correct record. |
Executive Forward Work Programme PDF 263 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive submitted a report which identified the
forthcoming issues to be considered by the Executive, as outlined in Appendix A
to the report. The report provided the Overview and Scrutiny Board with the
opportunity to consider whether any item contained within the Executive Forward
Work Programme should be considered by the Board, or referred to a Scrutiny
Panel. NOTED |
Executive Member Update - Neighbourhood Safety PDF 128 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive Member for Neighbourhood Safety, accompanied by the Director of Environment and Community Services, provided OSB with an update on his portfolio identifying key opportunities and challenges. As part of his update the Executive Member identified the scope of his presentation covered Neighbourhood Safety Wardens; the Town Centre; CCTV; House Closure/ Civil Injunctions; Externally Funded Projects and the Good Neighbour Award. With regard to Neighbourhood Safety Wardens, Members were advised that the service was carrying several vacancies that were not being filled due to uncertainty around the budget. It was also commented that the Neighbourhood Safety Warden’s Service was proposing to make £1 million saving as part of the budget setting process. The Executive Member advised OSB the team had dealt with a total of 14,315 actions covering matters such as Anti-Social Behaviour Incidents, Animal Related Incidents and PSPO investigations. As part of that process Members were also advised a total of 4,157 outcomes were experienced including Verbal Warnings being issued and making Door to Door enquiries. Regarding Fly Tipping, OSB was advised there had been a reduction in incidents of fly tipping between 2021 and 2022, from 5,843 to 4,200. There had also been 70 individuals prosecuted for environmental offences with the Council now taking a more proactive approach toward environmental crime. To deliver on regeneration plans for the Town Centre, it was important to have a Street Warden presence. To this end, eight wardens were on patrol at any given time along with dedicated police presence. This was facilitated through Operation Baton which had led to 1,700 incidents of Anti-Social Behaviour being attended and investigated as well as 270 criminal matters and 177 stop and search activities taking place. The Council had invested in new technology and increased the numbers of CCTV cameras from 249 to more than 700. The Cameras had been required for 3,860 incidents since April 1st 2022. There had also been 518 arrests as a direct result of CCTV intervention. Neighbourhood safety had also received external funding to assist with initiatives including Safer Street Funding. The Executive Member for Neighbourhood Safety advised OSB that the Good Neighbour awards had been launched. Recognising individuals that support and assist their communities the scheme had been launched at the end of 2022. Members were encouraged to nominate individuals from their wards. A conversation took place regarding off road dirt-bikes and associated anti-social behaviour. It was agreed that Cleveland Police be invited to a future meeting of OSB to discuss how they are tackling the problem. The Chair thanked the Executive Member and the Director of Environment and Community Services for their presentation. ORDERED: That the information presented be noted. |
Scrutiny Chairs Update Minutes: The Chair invited all Scrutiny Chairs present to update OSB on their Panel’s activity. OSB were updated on activity within each Scrutiny Panel and the dates of their next meeting. ORDERED: That the information presented be noted. |
Any other urgent items which, in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered. Minutes: The Chair advised OSB that a request had been received from a member of the Voluntary Sector to undertake a scrutiny review into the issue of homelessness in Middlesbrough. Members were advised that representatives of Adult Social Care would be invited along with representatives of the voluntary and community sector to provide information on the subject. The Chair sought OSB approval for an Ad Hoc Scrutiny Panel examine the issue of Homelessness. ORDERED: that an Ad Hoc Scrutiny Panel be convened to
examine the issue of Homelessness in Middlesbrough. |