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You Matter to Us- Corporate Parenting Board

This page lists the meetings for You Matter to Us- Corporate Parenting Board.


Information about You Matter to Us- Corporate Parenting Board

Terms of Reference - You Matter to Us - Corporate Parenting Board


Membership to include

5 LAB: 1 CON: 2 MICA: 1 IND

Membership/Restrictions:                   Nil


Chair:                                                  Mayor – C Cooke


Vice-Chair:                                          Councillor J Walker


Members:                                            Councillors Jackson, Kabuye, Livingstone, Nugent, Romaine, Uddin, and Wilson


Ex-Officio Members:                           Deputy Mayor and Executive Member for Education and Culture

                                                            Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Board


Ex-Officio Officers:                              Head of Paid Service

                                                            Director of Children’s Services

                                                            Director of Children’s Care

                                                            Director of Education and Partnerships


Co-Opted Members:                           1 Foster carer - VACANT

                                                            3 Care Experienced young people.



The Quorum shall be 3 members.


Chair and Vice Chair

The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board shall be elected from the membership of the Board at the first meeting and thereafter will be agreed by full Council annually.

In the absence of the Chair the Vice-Chair shall chair the meeting.


Frequency of meetings

The Board will meet 4 times a year and will focus on themes. These will be chosen by our young people.

Access to Meetings

The public shall have the same right of access to meetings, agendas, reports and background papers as apply to any other advisory body supported by the Council.


The Board and its members will operate in accordance with the standards of behaviour and principles required by the Council’s Code of Conduct, which applies to both councillors and any person appointed as a co-opted member to a board or committee of the Council.


Have your say- You matter to Us

Prior to the formal meeting of the board, our care experienced young people will be invited to have their say on the key themes. They will meet with members of the board and key officers (as well as support officers) in an informal and safe setting.

Feedback from these sessions will be collated and fed back into the ‘You said, we will, we did’ and reported to the formal meetings of the board.






To be responsible for the Council’s role as a Corporate Parent to those children and young people who are looked after and accommodated by the local authority, that responsibility to also include:


ensuring that the education, health, and social needs of children Looked After by the Authority are met


developing effective corporate responses to fulfil the Authority’s responsibilities as a corporate parent


to implement changes to policy and practice, and inform service development in the context of corporate parenting


the dissemination of information, concerned with its responsibilities associated with corporate parenting, to all elected Members and relevant staff; and


the implementation, maintenance, and review of this Council’s ‘Corporate Parenting and Strategy’ document.


Name of Board- You Matter to Us – Corporate Parenting Board

(Name change formally agreed on 13 September 2023)


Purpose of the Board

·        To raise awareness of the Council’s corporate parenting responsibilities and develop expertise and knowledge among elected Members and officers.

·        To provide a forum for elected members to oversee the progress of all looked after children, and care leavers (Care experienced children and young people) through the implementation of the Corporate parenting strategy 2020-2023.

·        To encourage all partners, whether they work for health or social care services or the voluntary sector, to work in an integrated manner in the best interests of children looked after and care leavers.

·        To lead cultural and behavioural change to promote better outcomes for our care experienced children and young people and Care leavers.

·        To hold all partners to account for their role in the delivery of services to our care experienced children and young people and Care leavers.


The Board wants to ensure that the Council acts as a good corporate parent to children and young people in care and care leavers, including:


·       Young people in residential care

·       Children and young people in foster care

·       Children placed for adoption

·       Children placed at home under Placement with Parents Regulations

·       Young people who are living in supported lodgings

·       Young people in secure services

·       Young people in custody


The Board also want to ensure that we engage and listen to the views of children, young people, and their carers for whom the Council is the parent and, support the Virtual School for looked after children and young people.



Remit of the You Matter to Us- Corporate Parenting Board

You Matter to Us- Corporate Parenting Board will:


· Provide leadership across Middlesbrough to create a more effective and efficient health and wellbeing for care experienced children and young people and Care leavers.


· Take responsibility for the quality of services for looked after children.


 · Work effectively with and through partnership bodies, with clear lines of accountability and communication.


· Agree the strategic priorities for services for children looked after, as a Board


 · Make a positive difference, improving the outcomes for all children looked after and those who use our services.


You Matter to Us- Corporate Parenting Board will not:


 · Manage work programmes or oversee specific pieces of work – acknowledging that operational management needs to be given the freedom to manage.


· Be focused on the delivery of specific services – the Board will concentrate on the “big picture”.


 · Take responsibility for the outputs and outcomes of specific services – these are best monitored at the level of the specific organisations responsible for them.


· Be the main vehicle for the voice of looked after children – this will be the responsibility of young people (the children in care council and care leavers forum).


The Board will however regularly listen to and respect the views of individuals and the wider looked after children’s community.