Terms of
Reference - Chief Officers Appointments Committee
The Committee has
3 Ex-Officio Members – as approved by Council. The Mayor and the Deputy Mayor
are permanent Members of the committee but the third Ex-Officio
member will be the Executive portfolio holder appointed on a post by post basis,
where appropriate.
The Committee
will have delegated powers to:
interview and make permanent appointments to the posts of Directors.
interview and make recommendations for the interim and permanent appointment of
the Head of Paid Service; Chief Finance Officer and the Council’s Monitoring
Officer role, subject to no objections being submitted by the Executive. The
appointment of the Head of Paid Service (Chief Executive) will be subject to
Full Council approval.
a Joint Appointment Panel to consider Joint Authority / Partner Organisation vacant posts at Director level and above.
Comprising of up to 4 members of the Chief Officer Appointments Committee
selected by Democratic Services on a post by post basis. The selection will be
politically balanced where reasonably practicable. The Chair to be appointed at
the joint meeting.
appointments of Directors, for 6 months or less are delegated to the Head of
Paid Service. Longer and permanent appointments to be reserved to the Chief
Officer Appointments Committee.
undertake disciplinary procedures in relation to statutory officer
appointments: Head of Paid Service, Monitoring Officer and Chief Finance
undertake disciplinary and/or dismissal procedures in relation to Chief
Officers, other than the Head of Paid Service, Monitoring Officer, and Chief
Finance Officer. Dismissal of the statutory officers is reserved to Full
consider grievances, submitted by Chief Officers, at stage 2 of the Council’s
grievance policy in circumstances where, in the opinion of the Monitoring
Officer/Director of Legal and Governance, following consultation with the Head
of Democratic Services and Head of Human Resources, it would be prejudicial to
the fair consideration of the grievance for it to be considered by an Executive
Director or the Chief Executive.