Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Strategy


ORDERED that the proposed amendment to paragraph 2.1 be approved.


AGREED that Executive noted the Health and Wellbeing Strategy that was approved by the Health and Wellbeing Board on the 12 September 2024.


The Mayor and Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Health Integration submitted a report for Executive’s consideration.


The Mayor clarified that Executive were being asked to note the report and attached strategy.


The purpose of the report was to ask Executive to note the Health and Wellbeing Strategy which was approved at Health and Wellbeing Board on 12th September 2024. The Health and Wellbeing Strategy was owned by the multi-agency LiveWell South Tees Health and Wellbeing Board and was a statutory requirement. The Strategy was built around nine ambitious missions, each of which is supported by relevant goals that further articulate and explain the mission. The strategy supported the Council Plan 2024-2027.


The Council Plan (2024-27), which was agreed by Council in March 2024, aimed to create a healthier, safer and more ambitious town. The Plan was built on four key pillars:


·         A successful and ambitious town

·         A healthy place

·         Safe and resilient communities

·         Delivering best value


The Health and Wellbeing Strategy was built around nine ambitious missions, each of which was supported by relevant goals that further articulated and explained the mission. The individual missions were detailed in the report.


The Deputy Monitoring Officer clarified a minor amendment to the report was required at paragraph 2.1. The proposed amendment changed paragraph 2.1 to read “that the Executive notes the Health and Wellbeing Strategy that was approved by the Health and Wellbeing Board on the 12 September 2024” rather than “that the Executive approves the adoption of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy in support of the delivery of the Council Plan (2024 – 2027)”.



ORDERED that the proposed amendment to paragraph 2.1 be approved.


AGREED that Executive noted the Health and Wellbeing Strategy that was approved by the Health and Wellbeing Board on the 12 September 2024.




The Health and Wellbeing Strategy was owned by the multi-agency LiveWell South Tees Health and Wellbeing Board and was a statutory requirement for both the Council and the Integrated Care Board (NHS). The framework and mission-led approach was agreed through LiveWell South Tees Health and Wellbeing Board in September 2022 which in turn informed the development of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). The recommendations in the Health and Wellbeing Strategy are drawn from the JSNA.


The development of the JSNA involved more than 500 people (through workshops, meetings, attendance at key partnership boards and via email) which included more than 100 organisations and teams.




LiveWell South Tees was a formal statutory committee of the Council, and provided a forum where political, clinical, professional and community leaders from across the health and care system came together to improve the health and wellbeing of their local population and reduce health inequalities as described in the Health and Social Care Act 2012.


The Health and Wellbeing Strategy tackled complicated problems which could not be solved by any single agency, as described in the missions, and committed a wide range of partners to working together to explore local issues and challenges, agree priorities to respond collaboratively, using collective resources.


The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) had been developed across a broad range of partners and provides the intelligence behind the missions.


The Health and Wellbeing Strategy contributed to all elements of the Council Plan (2024 – 2027) and was a vehicle for engaging partners to contribute to the delivery of that Plan.

Supporting documents: