Venue: Mandela Room
Contact: Georgina Moore
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There
were no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes - Planning and Development Committee - 16 December 2022 PDF 316 KB Minutes: The
minutes of the meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on 16
December 2022 were submitted and approved as a correct record. |
Schedule of Planning Applications to be Considered by Committee PDF 143 KB Schedule -
Page 11 Item 1 - 1B
and 2 Marton Estate Square - Page 13 Item 2 -
4/4A Captain Cook Square - Page 25 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Planning submitted plans deposited
as applications to develop land under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 22/0420/COU
Change of use from betting shop and post office (sui generis) and E(a) use
classes) to restaurant (E(b) use class) at Units 1B and 2 Marton
Estate Square, Stokesley Road, Marton,
Middlesbrough for SJD Architects Ltd Following the publication of the agenda, the
item was withdrawn at the request of the Applicant. Therefore, the application
no longer required consideration by the Planning and Development Committee. 22/0665/COU
Change of use from retail to bar, food and mixed use Leisure Venue including
outdoor roof terrace on 1st floor and cellar to the rear yard (Sui Generis) at
4/4A, Captain Cook Square, Middlesbrough for Middlesbrough Council The above application had been identified as
requiring a site visit by members of the Planning and Development Committee.
Accordingly, a site visit had been held prior to the meeting. Full details of the planning application and
the plan status were outlined in the report. The report contained a detailed
analysis of the application and analysed relevant policies from the National
Planning Policy Framework and the Local Development Framework. The Development Control Manager advised that
the submitted application proposed a change of use from retail premises to bar,
food and mixed use leisure venue, including outdoor roof terrace on 1st floor
and store within the rear yard. It was highlighted that the report had
incorrectly referenced that the application site was located in Newport Ward,
instead of Central Ward. Although the report contained that inaccuracy, the
Development Control Manager assured committee members that the relevant
interested parties had been notified as part of the application process. The application site was Unit 4/4A Captain Cook
Square, a two-storey building located within Middlesbrough town centre. The
building had a rear service yard, which could be accessed from Grange Road and
Smith Street. The application site formed one of several
similarly designed modern commercial buildings that fronted the pedestrianised
area at Captain Cook Square. To the north of the site was Middlesbrough Bus
Station and to the west was a pedestrian footpath link to the Captain Cook
Square Multi-Storey Car Park. Immediately to the south were terraced properties
along Grange Road and residential properties. The application site was considered to be
within a sustainable location within the town centre and within close walking
distance to good public transport links, such as the bus station and train
station and there were public car parks in close proximity. It was explained that the use of Unit 4/4A as
bar and leisure venue in the proposed location could have been deemed contrary
to Policy REG21. However, given recent changes in the dynamics of both shopping
and leisure patterns, and in order to promote the long term vitality and
viability of the town centre, it was considered a more flexible approach should
be taken in respect of the primary shopping frontage policy. Although the application site was located within the primary shopping ... view the full minutes text for item 22/23 |
Delegated Planning Decisions PDF 88 KB Minutes: The Head of Planning submitted details of planning
applications which had been approved to date in accordance with the delegated
authority granted to him at Minute 187 (29 September 1992). In reference to the property of 36 The Avenue,
a Member sought clarification on the two applications that had been submitted
for Prior Notification, as one had been refused and the other had been
approved. The Development Control Manager advised that in respect of the Prior
Notification process (only applicable to extensions of a certain scale), the
Applicant was required to notify the Council of their intention to build so
that the Council was able to consult immediate neighbours. Members were advised that if the neighbours
objected, then the Council would have to consider the scheme as it would for
any normal planning application. If the
neighbours did not object, then the Council was not required to consider it and
permission was automatically granted. Members heard that it was highly likely
that the two applications would have differed slightly, meaning that objections
had not been received in respect of the second submission. It was advised that,
following the meeting, further information in respect of the applications would
be sent to the committee members. A Member raised a query in respect of the
application submitted by Rose Wood Primary School for the erection of modular
classrooms. The Development Control Manager commented that modular classrooms
were common and use was usually limited to a specific timeframe, typically
three or four years. It was advised
that, following the meeting, the conditions placed on the application would be
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered. Minutes: Planning
Appeals Appeal
Ref: APP/W0734/D/22/3308370 28 Croft Avenue, Middlesbrough, TS5 8AX - Allowed The development proposed was a single storey
rear extension - part retrospective. The main issues were the effects of the
proposal on: ·
character and appearance of the property and the area; and ·
the living conditions of the neighbouring
residential occupiers. Appeal
Ref: APP/W0734/D/22/3301967 6 The Gardens,
Middlesbrough, TS4 3DU - Dismissed The development proposed was a first floor rear
extension; alteration to side elevation first floor window; alterations to
existing rear extension openings. The main issues were the effect of the proposal
on the character and appearance of the surrounding area, and on the living
conditions of the occupiers of 19 Pemberton Crescent in respect of their
outlook and privacy. Appeal
Ref: APP/W0734/D/22/3306573 33 Barker Road, Middlesbrough TS5 5EW - Dismissed The development proposed was the erection of a
first-floor extension to accommodate an artist’s studio. The main issue was whether the proposed
development would preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the
Conservation Area. NOTED Charging
Council Tax for Unbuilt Homes A Member explained that the Local Government
Association (LGA) had published comments in respect of unbuilt homes on expired
permissions and unbuilt homes on sites that had started. Specifically, it was
explained that the LGA would welcome the introduction of powers to allow local
authorities to charge full council tax for every unbuilt development from the
point the original planning permission expired.