Venue: Mandela Room (Municipal Buildings)
Contact: Scott Bonner/ Joanne Dixon
No. | Item | ||||||
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes:
WELCOME AND EVACUATION PROCEDURE The Chair welcomed those present and advised that
as there were no scheduled tests, should the fire alarm sound, attendees should
evacuate the building via the nearest fire exit and assemble at the Bottle of
Notes opposite MIMA. |
Minutes - Overview and Scrutiny Board - 25 September 2024 Minutes: The Minutes of the previous meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 25 September 2024 were submitted and approved as a correct record. |
Minutes- Overview and Scrutiny Board - 30 September 2024 Minutes: The Minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Board Call-in meeting held on
30 September 2024 were submitted and approved as a correct record. ** SUSPENSION OF COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULES - ORDER OF
BUSINESS ORDERED: that in accordance with section 4.57 of the Council Procedure Rules, the Committee agreed to vary the order of business to consider agenda item 8), as the next item of business. |
Executive Forward Work Programme Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair
introduced the item for the Board’s consideration. A copy of the Work Programme was attached at
Appendix A and Members were asked to raise any issues they had in relation to
any of the items listed. A Board Member requested an advanced
briefing in relation to the item on Cemetery Provision due to be considered by
the Executive on 8 January 2025. The
Director of Regeneration confirmed that he would circulate a briefing note on
the issue, via Democratic Services. AGREED that the Director of Regeneration would circulate a briefing note to the Board, in relation to ‘Cemetery Provision’, due to be considered by the Executive on 8 January 2025. |
Executive Member Update - Deputy Mayor and Executive Member for Education and Culture The
Deputy Mayor & Executive Member for Education and Culture will be in
attendance to provide an update in their capacity as portfolio holder for
Education and Culture. Minutes: Councillor Storey, Deputy Mayor and Executive Member for Education and
Culture, accompanied by the Director of Regeneration and the Director of Education
and Partnerships, was in attendance at the meeting to provide the Board with an
update regarding her portfolio in relation to Education and Culture. As part of the Executive Member’s portfolio in relation to Culture, the
Board heard that this included strengthening the town’s cultural sector through
strong sector leadership with the Cultural partnership, liaising with the
Regional Arts Council and funding bids. There was a range of venues and museums within the cultural remit
including Middlesbrough Town Hall, Middlesbrough Theatre, Newham Grange Leisure
Farm and associated partnerships, Dorman Museum and Captain Cook Museum. In addition, events such as the Orange Pip Market sat within the Culture
remit, together with storage preservation and engagement delivered by Teesside
Archives and a wide range of arts and music projects within arts development. The Executive Member’s priorities in relation to her culture portfolio
were:- ·
To extend the uses for the Town Hall. ·
Extend Cultural ambassadors programme. ·
Support music partnerships to achieve long term
outcomes. ·
Support Middlesbrough Art Week and NPO (National
Portfolio Organisations) Partners. ·
To make Middlesbrough the heart of artistic and
community creativity. During discussion, the following issues were raised:- ·
In response to a query, the Board was advised that
Teesside Archives was located within the Dorman Museum and services could be
accessed by the public, however, it was generally best to book an appointment
in advance if looking for specific documents. ·
In response to a request for an update in relation
to Captain Cook Birthplace Museum, it was stated that a report was awaited in
relation to proposals put forward from a private investor. ·
Reference was made to the Executive Member’s
priority to extend the use of the Town Hall and it was queried whether examples
could be provided. The Executive Member
replied that she would like to see it being more widely used by commercial
ventures and by community groups. ·
Reference was made to the Orange Pip Market and it
was queried whether there were any plans to extend it to Baker/Bedford Street,
rather than holding it in just one of the streets as it could become
crowded. The Executive Member advised
that originally both streets were used for Orange Pip and also Centre Square,
or the Town Hall during inclement weather.
When it was held in just one of the streets that was usually due to there
not being enough stalls to take up both streets. ·
Further information was requested around the
Cultural Ambassador’s Programme and the Board was informed that the Council
launched the programme to create a fund to help the creative sector continue to
plan and deliver outstanding events across the town. This year partners from Holiday Inn Express,
Leonardo Hotel, Teesside University and Stagecoach North East, had provided
funding which organisations could tap into. · A Member of the Board queried whether there were any plans to deliver bigger-scale cultural events with the Tees ... view the full minutes text for item 24/32 |
Final Report - Environment Scrutiny Panel - Waste Management Minutes: Councillor Branson,
Chair of the Place Scrutiny Panel, presented the Final Report on Waste
Management. The review was undertaken by
the former Environment Scrutiny Panel between September 2023 and March 2024, of
which he was Vice Chair at the time, and the topic now fell within the remit of
the Place Scrutiny Panel. The draft
final report was considered by the Place Scrutiny Panel at an additional
meeting on 23 September 2024. Members of
the former Environment Scrutiny Panel were also invited to attend that meeting
and, collectively, Members formulated conclusions and recommendations for
inclusion in the report. The purpose of the
review was to examine waste management practices, focusing on how to increase
recycling rates to meet targets whilst minimising the cost of waste disposal in
Middlesbrough. The terms of
reference for the review were set out at paragraph three of the report
together with the evidence gathered by the Panel during the
course of the review. The Panel’s
conclusions, based on the evidence gathered during the review, were detailed at
page 36, paragraph 231.
In summary the Panel found that Middlesbrough was not good at recycling
and had one of the highest rates of residual waste collection per person -
above the regional and national average.
This was due to a number of factors including a high number of terraced
properties using communal bins and not generating green waste for
recycling. There were also issues with
high levels of contaminated recycling. The cost of
residual waste disposal had continued to increase and was set to almost double
by 2026. In comparison, disposal of
recyclable waste was much cheaper, therefore, it was essential to reduce the
amount of residual waste being sent for disposal and to increase recycling
rates, whilst reducing contaminated recycling. The Panel had also
looked at fly-tipping and found that whilst it was a problem in Middlesbrough,
levels were lower than in many other comparator areas. Middlesbrough had increased its enforcement
activity in recent years. During the course
of discussion, the following issues were raised:- ·
Member of the Board welcomed the report and was happy to support the
recommendations but noted that it largely related to residential waste and not
public waste/waste bins. The Chair of
Place Scrutiny Panel advised that as waste management was such a broad topic,
this had not been considered as part of the terms of reference on this
occasion. ·
was made to page 35 regarding the contractual arrangements for the new wheeled
bins and in response to a query it was clarified that the £1,000 each
micro-chip readers for the bins had been supplied free of charge as part of the
contract. · In relation to the £40 annual charge for green waste collections, assurances were sought that the charge would not be increased. It was confirmed that there were no plans to increase the charge and that the Mayor had confirmed at a recent Council meeting that there would be no increase for at least two years. ... view the full minutes text for item 24/33 |
Scrutiny Work Programme 2024-25 People Scrutiny Panel Minutes: The Democratic
Services Officer submitted a report seeking the Board’s formal approval of the
People Scrutiny Panel’s Work Programme for 2024/25. At its meeting on
16 September 2024, the People Scrutiny Panel agreed the following topics for
inclusion in its Work Programme:- In-depth reviews: ·
Missing from Education. ·
Homelessness. ·
Obesity. Updates: ·
Tees Safeguarding Children Partnership (STSCP). ·
Safeguarding Adults Board (TSAB). ·
Term Financial Plan Refresh for Children’s Services and Environment and Adult
Social Care and Health Integration Directorates. Possible Updates: ·
Mental Health. ·
Recovery Progress. ·
Allocation Scheme. ·
and Language CYP Services. AGREED that the People Scrutiny Panel Work Programme for 2024/25, as set out above, be approved. |
Scrutiny Chairs Update Minutes: People Scrutiny
Panel The Chair of the
People Scrutiny Panel updated the Board that the Panel had met on 14 October
2024 when it agreed the terms of reference for its current review, ‘Children
Missing from Education’. It was
clarified that the Panel was looking at a specific cohort – those missing from
the school roll. The Panel also received
a position update from the Director of Adult Social Care and Health Integration
in relation to the Care Quality Commission (CQC) Inspection. The Panel’s next
meeting was scheduled for 11 November 2024 and would receive further evidence
in relation to its current scrutiny topic. Place Scrutiny
Panel The Chair of the
Place Scrutiny Panel updated the Board that the Panel met on 7 October 2024 and
had received evidence in relation to its scrutiny topic ‘Home to School
Transport’ from the Independent Travel Trainor. The Panel also heard from the
Head of Resident and Business Support in relation to its other scrutiny topic
of ‘Empty Properties’. Two Task and Finish
Groups had been established to examine the scrutiny topics concurrently and
terms of reference were being drafted for each. The Panel’s next
meeting was scheduled for 4 November 2024 and would receive further evidence in
relation to Empty Properties, regarding ethical lettings, and further evidence
in relation to Home to School Transport. AGREED that the information provided be noted. |
Any other urgent items which, in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered. Minutes: Community
Cohesion Task and Finish Group Councillor Branson
updated the Board in relation to the Task and Finish Group established to look
at Community Cohesion. The Group had
considered the Final Report in relation to the topic produced by the Culture
and Communities Scrutiny Panel in 2021 and had subsequently met with the Head
of Neighbourhoods to discuss the current position. The Task and Finish
Group was now looking to establish a meeting with the Cleveland Police and
Crime Commissioner and the MP for Middlesbrough to discuss the disorder that
took place in the summer. The Group
would also look at the possibility of speaking to the Tees Valley Mayor. NOTED |