Venue: Mandela Committee Room
Contact: Caroline Breheny
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were
no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes - Overview & Scrutiny Board - 22 June 2022 Minutes: The minutes
of the Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting, held on 22 June 2022 were submitted
and approved as a correct record. |
Mayor's Attendance at OSB Minutes: The Mayor, Andy Preston, was in attendance at the meeting to update the Board on his aims and aspirations, progress made to date and to highlight any emerging issues relating to his portfolio. As part of his update to the Board, the Mayor focused on the key challenges and opportunities facing the town and the following points were made: ·
There was currently a hiring frenzy in some
sectors, with businesses experiencing shortages in skilled and unskilled staff.
Middlesbrough had some amazing digital businesses and their growth rates were
nothing short of outstanding. The Mayor was extremely optimistic about the
opportunities for young people that were now available here in the town and it
was the beginning of a really exciting era. ·
The proposal to establish a Middlesbrough
Mayoral Development Corporation (MDC) presented a huge opportunity to help the
town progress better and faster. Often the Council’s hands were tied but the
MDC would not be held back by the same restrictions. The challenge with the MDC
was to ascertain how the Council could place assets into this third party
without being negatively impacted financially. The Director of Regeneration and
his team were currently working on this issue and it was anticipated that the MDC
would be created as a separate legal entity. The Chair of the MDC would be Ben
Houchen and the Deputy Chair would be Andy Preston. ·
Reference was made to the challenges the town
faced in terms of housing and the need to ensure that new good quality and
affordable housing was made available in central Middlesbrough. Thirteen had
developed brave proposals to develop new housing in Gresham but in the current
cost of living crisis the cost of building materials had increased
significantly. Despite these challenges the Mayor was optimistic that Thirteen
Housing would continue with their plans and development would be going ahead. ·
In terms of cultural activities taking place
within the town reference was made to the African parade, which had attracted a
huge number of people into the town centre at the weekend. The importance that
culture can play in regeneration was emphasised and the point was made that
there was a real need to revive the market in North Ormesby. As often people in
North Ormesby often felt unappreciated and forgotten. There was a real need to
ensure the people of North Ormesby felt cared for and this had to be a focus
for Council. · Crime in Middlesbrough remained a major issue and there were two areas that stood out in terms of the statistics, namely Hemlington and the town centre. The Mayor stated that the biggest single issue was out of control kids, some under the age of 10 but generally they were aged between 10 and 16. The Mayor stated that there needed to be a way to better control and reduce bad behaviour in young people and suggested that tagging some young people would serve as an example to others. It would also enable the Police and the local ... view the full minutes text for item 20/117 |
Executive Forward Work Programme Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive submitted a
report which identified the forthcoming issues to be considered by the
Executive, as outlined in Appendix A to the report. The report provided the Overview and
Scrutiny Board with the opportunity to consider whether any item contained
within the Executive Forward Work Programme should be considered by the Board,
or referred to a Scrutiny Panel. NOTED |
Chief Executive's Update Minutes: Unfortunately
the Chief Executive was unable to attend the meeting and the item was deferred
for consideration at the next meeting of the Board. AGREED that the item be deferred. |
Corporate Performance Update: Quarter One 2022/23 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Strategy, Information and Governance provided an
update to the Board, which included the following points:
Chair thanked the Head of Strategy, Information and
Governance and the Strategic Delivery Manager for their attendance and
contribution to the meeting. AGREED that the information
provided be noted, and the agreed action be undertaken. |
Revenue and Capital Budget - Projected Outturn Position as at Quarter One 2022/23 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Financial Planning and Support provided an
update to the Board; the following points were highlighted:
The Chair thanked the Head of Financial Planning and Support
for his attendance and contributions to the meeting. AGREED that the information provided be noted, and
the agreed actions be undertaken. |
Scrutiny Chairs Update Minutes: The Scrutiny Chairs/Vice
Chairs provided updates in respect of the work undertaken by their respective
panels since the last meeting of the Board. |