Venue: Mandela Room (Municipal Buildings)
Contact: Scott Bonner/ Joanne Dixon
No. | Item | |||||||||
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
Welcome and Fire Evacuation Procedure In the event the fire alarm sounds attendees will be advised to evacuate the building via the nearest fire exit and assemble at the Bottle of Notes opposite MIMA. Minutes: WELCOME
Chair welcomed those present and advised that as there were no scheduled tests,
should the fire alarm sound, attendees should evacuate the building via the
nearest fire exit and assemble at the Bottle of Notes opposite MIMA. ** SUSPENSION OF COUNCIL
PROCEDURE RULE No. 4.13.2 – ORDER OF BUSINESS The Chair proposed that there be
a change to the order of business in the agenda of the meeting in accordance
with the Constitution paragraph 4.30.1 (c), to deal with Agenda Item 6.1(i) as
the final item of business and that Members would be asked to consider passing
a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting, prior to the
item being heard due to the sensitive nature of the topic. ORDERED that, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule No. 4.57, the Board agreed to vary the order of business to deal with the items in the following order: Agenda Items 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, then Agenda Item 6.1(i). |
Minutes - Overview and Scrutiny Board - 18 December 2024 Minutes: |
Executive Member Update - Children's Services Minutes: Councillor Henman, Executive
Member for Children’s Services, was in attendance at the meeting, accompanied
by J Tynan, Executive Director of Children’s Services, and D Alaszewski, Director of Children’s Care, to provide the
Board with an overview of his portfolio in relation to Children’s Services. The Executive Member introduced
himself, advising the Board that he was elected as a Councillor for Acklam Ward
in July 2024 and was appointed as Executive Member for Children’s Services in
November 2024. He had previously been an
employee of Middlesbrough Council and currently worked for a housing
association. Members were provided with an
outline staffing structure for Children’s Services, naming the following Teams
that sat within the Children’s Care area of the directorate:- ·
Early Help ·
MACH and Assessment ·
Safeguarding and Care Planning and Children with
Disabilities ·
Children in Care, Care Leavers and Fostering ·
Residential Resource and Supported Accommodation ·
Learning, Review and Development Headline figures for Children’s
Services included:- ·
658 families currently accessing Early Help. ·
297 child and family assessments being
completed. ·
418 children subject to Child in Need Plans. ·
350 children subject to Child Protection Orders. ·
504 young people in the care of the Council. ·
165 children placed in internal foster care
placements (including 64 placed with connected carers). ·
135 children placed in independent foster care
placements. ·
22 young people placed in internal residential
placements. ·
77 young people placed in external residential
placements. The Executive Member highlighted
that there was a discrepancy between the total number of children and young
people in the care of the Council and the breakdown of figures (above) in
relation to placements. This was due to
just over a 100 young people who were currently subject to Care Orders but
being cared for by family members. In terms of the budget for
2024-25, Children’s Services had a budget of £55 million. This was 38.5% of the Council’s overall
budget of £143.2 million. It was
highlighted that the budget for Children’s Services had been cut significantly
from £81 million in 2013, but had increased this year from the previous year
when it was £35 million. As part of the Transformation
Programme and required savings going forward, £5.36 million of savings had been
identified for 2024-25, with a further £3.25 million of savings identified for
2025-26. Current savings were on track
to achieve £3.485 in 2024-25 with ongoing financial assurance on projects. Projects that had been completed
included the establishment of a review of Children’s Care and a review of
Special Guardianship Orders. This had
achieved a significant cost avoidance of £3.08 million against high-cost
external placements. New projects for 2025-26 included
Edge of Care and Modernising Fostering.
This would examine final interventions to prevent a young person coming
into care which should reduce pressure on residential care places being
required. The Board heard that the key
areas of focus for Children’s Services were:- ·
Implementation of ‘Signs of Safety’ – new
practice model to be rolled out in the coming months. · Demand management and managing complexity – providing the right levels ... view the full minutes text for item 24/58 |
Executive Forward Work Programme Additional documents: Minutes: No
issues were raised. AGREED
that the report be noted. |
Scrutiny Chairs Update Minutes: The Chair of the People Scrutiny Panel updated the Board that the Panel had met on 20 January 2025 and had received further evidence, in relation to its scrutiny topic of Children Missing from Education, from the Virtual School. The meeting was attended by the Head of Outward Academy Ormesby and, following discussion, Members requested further input from schools prior to concluding evidence-gathering on the topic. The Panel also received an introduction to its new topic of Homelessness and would consider terms of reference at its next meeting on 17 February 2025. Place Scrutiny Panel The Chair of the Place Scrutiny Panel updated the Board that the Panel met on 6 January 2025. The meeting was attended by representatives from Jomast Properties who provided further information in relation to the Panel’s scrutiny topic of ‘Empty Properties’. The Panel also received statutory annual updates in relation to the Community Safety Partnership and Prevent and Chanel programmes. The Scrutiny Panel’s Task and Finish Group on Home to School Transport had met with the Integrated Transport Manager and the draft final report on the topic was currently being compiled. Overview and Scrutiny Board – Task and Finish Group: Community Cohesion Councillor Branson updated Members that the above Task and Finish Group had recently met with Andy McDonald MP to obtain his views in relation to community cohesion and were due to meet with the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland. AGREED that the information provided be noted. |
Any other urgent items which, in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered. Minutes: There were no other urgent items to be considered. EXCLUSION OF PRESS
AND PUBLIC Members were asked to consider
passing a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting, due to
the sensitive nature of the topic.
Following a vote, Members agreed to exclude the press and public as follows:- |
Forward Plan Actions Progress i) Levick Court Minutes: **DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST At this point in the meeting,
Councillors Clynch and Ewan both declared
non-pecuniary interests in relation to the following item as they were both
Members of the Levick Trust. Members of the Board had previously identified Levick Court as an item of interest on the Executive
Forward Work Programme and had requested an update prior to consideration by
the Executive. The Interim Director of Adult Social Care and Health
Integration was in attendance at the meeting and
provided a verbal update in relation to the item. AGREED that the information provided be noted. |