Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Susie Blood
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest To receive
any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were
no declarations of interest received at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes- Corporate Parenting Board- 17 March 2021 PDF 394 KB Minutes: The minutes
of the Corporate Parenting Board meeting held on 17 March 2021 were read and
accepted as a true record. AGREED-
That the minutes be approved. |
Corporate Parenting Board Action Plan PDF 191 KB The Democratic Services Officer will
provide an update on the actions taken from meetings of the Corporate Parenting
Board. Minutes: The Democratic
Services Officer provided an update on the actions taken from the meetings of
the Corporate Parenting Board and updated the Board accordingly. AGREED-
That the action plan be noted. |
Covid - 19 Update The Director of Children Service’s will
provide a verbal update to the
Board. Minutes: The Director of Children’s
Social Care provided an update in relation to Covid
19. The Director advised that schools returned on 8 March 2021 and have now
returned from the Easter break and are learning and teaching. The impact of bubbles
collapsing in schools due to covid-19 was currently low, however there were
plans in place in case a third wave of the virus. Testing in schools across Middlesbrough was also working well. From a social care
perspective, the service had seen an increase in demand in terms of front door
contact and referrals since 8 March 2021. In March, there were almost 300 more
contacts than in February 2021. This was a similar trend to September 2020 when
restrictions were eased, so there is a continuation and this was being
monitored. Sickness levels
within the service remain stable and relatively low. This information is
recorded to the Strategic Improvement Board and other parts of the Council Children
Looked after and school attendance The Director
handed over to the Virtual School Head who advised the Board that since schools
returned 90% of looked after children were in school and this percentage was in
line with Redcar and Cleveland. As the Virtual
school was an improvement journey, they would like attendance to improve and
were working with families/ looked after children to address this. The Virtual
school was also working alongside the Head of Looked After
Children and Corporate Parenting to address this at a strategic level. The Head
advised that they have systems in place whereby they will receive daily
information from schools on attendance levels of looked after children. This
data will indicate whether an absence is authorised or
unauthorised. They have set up weekly meetings which
consists of the Virtual School Head, a manager from the looked after children
team and representatives from health and they use this as a triage system.
Within these meetings they will discuss all the barriers which prevent children
from attending school (from health needs etc) and we
complete this information into a decision making tool, which is sent forwarded
to the Team manager and social worker and from there, they will make a choice
as to whether action needs to be taken. From these
meetings, the Head of Looked after children and Corporate Parenting Board
outlined that they have been able to identity a number of looked after children
who require targeted intervention to get them back into school. In terms of
additional work, any actions agreed are included within the personal education
plan (PEP) , so that the young person and school are
aware of these steps. The Chair asked
whether Welfare call could be explained further as she was aware Middlesbrough utlised this
system. In response, the Head of Virtual Schools outlined that Middlesbrough contracted Welfare Call in 2016 and they will ring schools and ask whether Middlesbrough's looked after children are in attendance d if not, the reasons behind this. This information is then uploaded onto ... view the full minutes text for item 20/86 |
Voice of the Child/ Participation update PDF 545 KB The Head of Strategic Services will
provide an update to the Board. The Board will also be introduced to
the new Participation Officer. Minutes: The Head of
Strategic services was welcomed to the meeting and started by providing a
background to the importance of participation. The Board were made aware that
the Improvement plan was currently being revised and there were 5 key
priorities, participation being one of these. This was a key step in children
services' roadmap for improvement for the next 6 months. Within the next 6
months the service aimed to show Middlesbrough
children that they matter. The service was doing this through engagement with
young people and their families to try and shape services. Once the improvement
plan had been signed off by the improvement Board there would be further
updates to the Board. Recruitment changes The Board were
advised that Marcus Myrie, was now in post as the
Participation officer. Marcus would be
developing the social care participation element of the operational plan and
children in care council. Both Marcus and Laurie Hunter had been working with
colleagues within social care to develop the council's future running of the
participation groups/ children in care council and have been looking at ways
they views can be sought from young people who do not wish to attend these
groups and how the service can use these in a meaningful way. The Participation
officer was also working with social care and early help to ascertain views of
those children elsewhere within social care, for example those children on
child protection plans and ensuring their voice is heard within our
participation work. The proposal will be presented to the Children's Care
Management Team and Directors of Children's Care and once approved, the
proposal and roadmap would be presented back to the Corporate Parenting Board. Children in Care
Council In the meantime, the
Participation officer has been keeping in touch with the groups virtually and
via weekly telephone calls and encouraging them to get involved with these
future proposals. The officer has also been talking to young people who may
wish to join and they are looking to hold the first meeting face to face, which
would work better for this age cohort. Care leavers forum This has continued
virtually on a fortnightly service and the officers have been working with the
care leavers service (Pathways) to develop this forum and seek views from a
range of diverse young people. The service was doing this by improved
communication, improving the way the personal assistants work with the care leavers service and looking at how they can set the agenda
and work stream so that Middlesbrough young people
feel valued and listened too and will help shape services for the future. The service has also been working with social care collogues to develop voice and influence champions through the social work force, which was part of the Centre for practice excellence. The Service has been working with the Participation counterparts across the region and developing plans to move from Covid to recovery. The Head of service also advised that they were seeking advice nationally ... view the full minutes text for item 20/87 |
MALAP spotlight- Update The Chair
will provide a verbal update to the Board. Minutes: The Chair advised the Board that she had circulated
her spotlight report, which was in replace for MALAP sub groups. The report was
led by the Chair of Corporate Parenting Board and looked to gain information
from other authorities Chairs of Corporate Parenting Board to gain an
understanding of their arrangements and to gain good practice. The Chair spoke and interviewed Chair of Corporate
Parenting Boards from five local authorities: 1. North
Yorkshire 2. Gateshead 3. Leeds 4. Hampshire 5. Wakefield From the discussions, the Chair outlined that the
discussions were extremely interesting for example, one local authority which
was rated outstanding was operating very similar to Middlesbrough
and came across the same issues, which provided reassurance. Eleven questions were asked at the interviews, as well
as general discussion, which covered the following areas: ·
Critical aspect of the role of Chair of CPB and of
members, ·
Training, ·
Engagement, ·
Governance, ·
Accountability, ·
Involvement of sub-groups, ·
Representation across council areas, ·
CiCC and
mini CiCC ·
Virtual School, ·
OFSTED From the discussions, the Chair complied a number of
recommendations, a number of which are outlined below: 1.
Establishing a network for Chairs of CPB 2.
Social Workers – retention and recruitment 3.
Caseloads 4.
Foster Carers - many recommendations for successful
engagement and retention 5.
Care Leavers 6.
Care Ambassadors and Young Inspectors 7.
CICC engagement 8.
Voice of the Child 9.
Schools and the Virtual School – regular contacts,
updates 10. social
events 11. Annual
Conference From the presentation, the Director of Children’s
Social Care outlined that this piece of work had not been undertaken elsewhere,
so Middlesbrough was unique in seeking out good
practice in other local authorities. Virtual schools also have an established
presence of the Board and provide regular updates, which is a strength in
ensuring the Board is regularly kept up to date regarding the education of Middlesbrough’s children looked after. The Chair was thanked for her contributions by the
Board. AGREED- That the
report be noted. |
Local Family Justice Board PDF 1 MB The Head of
Looked after Children and Corporate Parenting and Head of Legal Services
(People) will provide a presentation to the Board. N.B- An
update presentation will be provided at the meeting, which will include up to
date statistics. Minutes: The Chair welcomed the Head of Looked after Children
and Corporate Parenting and the Head Legal Services- People to the meeting to
provide an overview of the role of the Local Family Justice Board (LFJB) and
the role of our legal services in providing support to our looked after
children. As way of introduction, the Head of Legal Services
outlined that on a national level, the Family Justice Board was the primary forum for setting direction
for the family justice system and overseeing performance and was set up to
improve the performance of the family justice system and to ensure the best
possible outcomes for children who come into contact with it. At a local level, Local Family Justice Boards (LFJB) were established to support the work of the
Family Justice Board by bringing together the key local agencies, including
decision makers and front-line staff, to achieve significant improvement in the
performance of the family justice system in their local areas.. The LFJB holds meetings on a quarterly basis and is
attended by representatives of those that use the family justice system,
including Local Authorities (Legal and Children’s Services), members of the
judiciary, CAFCASS, private practice, Barristers, and the local police. There are also subsidiary groups of the LFJB that look
at specific areas such: - Local Public Law Working Group - Local Private Law Working Group - Police Disclosure Working Group The Head of Legal Services, briefly discussed the Local Public Law Working Group, which was a
local public law working group which works collaboratively to identify issues
that affected the local family justice system in regards to public law matters
and to agree practical proposals to resolve. Representatives from both
Legal and Children’s Services attend and actively engage in the work carried
out. The Board were made aware of
a recent project of the board with regard Care Orders at home, which has been a
significant issue in Middlesbrough and regionally. •
The session was aimed at those working within the
family justice system across Cleveland and South Durham •
The sessions were agreed as part of the Local Family
Justice Board to explore why in the Teesside area we have higher numbers of
Care Orders with children placed at home or with connected carers •
The workshop offered 74 places and there were over
200 applicants to attend. •
Aim: To work together to understand when we think
Care Order’s at home would be appropriate but also when we may challenge each
other about this. This allowed others to challenge (without being attached to a
specific case) why a care order was considered the best option. •
Understand what the law tells us about Care Orders
at home including what can and can’t be done under a Care Order •
Consider alternatives and specifically the Teesswide Supervision Order policy •
The outcome of the
sessions will be fed back to the LFJB group to seek approval/agreement to any
recommendations. • The next project for the Local Public ... view the full minutes text for item 20/89 |
Elevating young peoples' voices in digital resilience PDF 709 KB The Risk and Resilience Manager will provide a presentation to the Board. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair
introduced the Risk and Resilience Manager to the Board, who was in attendance
to provide information on a successful funding application in relation to
elevating young peoples’ voce through digital resilience. The Board had previously
received a paper regarding this and the Manager was in attendance to provide
further clarity. In February 2021, a funding opportunity was
circulated by Parentzone and Nominet. By way of
background, Parentzone is a national organisation
which is widely recognised as ‘experts in digital family’ and Nominet is the
UK’s official web domain registrar. Middlesbrough Council submitted a bid under
Design Challenge 3, the purpose of which is: Elevating young peoples’ voice to influence
the services that impact on their digital safety and opportunity Care
experienced young people have invaluable insight which is currently under-used
in relation to digital and online safety policy development. The Manager outlined that Middlesbrough has a lead in digital
resilience, in context started in 2016, when a member scrutiny panel challenged
a government policy on youth produced imaginary. The recommendations of the
scrutiny review set the Council on its journey to help protect young people.
Middlesbrough digital model also came about as direct result of the scrutiny
investigation. The Manager outlined that our children are growing up in a world where there is an increasing need
for them to flourish in their use of digital devices and where they need to
interact in all areas of the digital world –e.g. School and Work based Apps,
Social Media and Gaming As corporate
parents, we need to ensure our children can compete for jobs (some of which
have not been invented) and guide them appropriately. At present the
approach to Digital Parenting for Children looked after and those leaving care
in Middlesbrough is inconsistent. Middlesbrough has
therefore been successful in attracting £35,719 funding to: “ensure care
experienced young people can influence the service policies, process and
practice that impact on their digital lives we need to extend participation and
diversify and improve channels of communication and feedback .” The bid links to
Middlesbrough’s digital resilience model, which has four pillars ; governance of
digital excellence; voice of the child; digital parenting and education and
workforce development. The mission
statement of the model was as follows: “To develop
an online world where children and young people can be nurtured, safe,
self-confident and compassionate digital citizens”. Governance and digital excellence There is a digital
and resilience safeguarding network, which has over 170 participates. If
therefore, a threat or alert is issued and posing a risk to young people, the
Council can circulate a message to the network. Since 1 January 2021, 10
messages have been issued, which is then passed onto all relevant parties. Voice of the child Students from
Middlesbrough College produced a play called ‘To send or not to send regarding
youth produced imaginary and was based on Romeo and Juliet. This was shown to
over 1,000 12-13 year olds and attracted media attention. Young ambassadors have ... view the full minutes text for item 20/90 |
Introduction to the Fostering Annual report The Head of
Service- Future for Families will provide a presentation to the Board. Minutes: The Head of
Residential services was in attendance to provide a brief update on quarter 4
data, a full breakdown and the Ofsted report would be shared further in June/
July 2021. The Head of Service
advised that there were currently 146 foster carers in Middlesbrough offering
227 placements. In terms of quarter
4 recruitment, there have been 3 mainstream foster placements and 2 connected.
Despite Covid 19, within this quarter there had been 59 enquiries to the Foster
Team, 10 households had been approved and 6 households are ongoing at stage 1
and stage 2. In terms of
connected carers, 141 requests; 60 have been temporary approved and 24 had been
approved at Panel. In terms of
de-registrations of foster carers, there had been 12 in the last quarter. In
terms of comparison from 2019-20, there were 16, so numbers are decreasing. In
terms of Connected carers, there had been 7 and some de registrations were due
to the children being returned to their parents. The number of de-registrations
to private foster agencies has been 2 in 12 years. In of training, the
service took on Board view of the foster carers and were aware most courses ran
when foster carers were at work. The service therefore commissioned the
Fostering Hub to undertake specific training for foster carers and this was
launched in February 2021. In 4 weeks Middlesbrough Foster Carers undertook and
completed 386 courses due to the flexibility. The average age of
foster carers was between 50-59. Placements At quarter 4 there
were 161 placements. There were a number of vacant places (31) and this was due
to the fact that all of our placements need terms of approval and these may not
fit these. There are also a number of
foster placements whose terms of approval are for babies and there has not been
a need to take these places. There were also a
number of placements that are not available e.g if there is a sibling group of
3 and 2 are found foster placements and the other sibling isn’t, that is
classed as not available. In addition, there may be some young people when they
turn 18 who stay with their foster carers and therefore those places become
unavailable or placements may not be available due to the health of foster
carers. A Board member
queried how many of the 161 placements were of children in Sibling groups and
this information would be circulated to Board members at a later date. In terms of Ofsted,
each year Ofsted asks local authority fostering services and independent
fostering agencies for data about their fostering services. This is the only
national data collection that provides an overview of the fostering landscape. Ofsted ask all 151
local authority fostering agencies and around 280 independent fostering
agencies (IFAs) to provide data on: • characteristics of foster carers • terms of approval of fostering households • capacity and the use of fostering places • recruitment and retention of fostering households ... view the full minutes text for item 20/91 |
Any other urgent items which in the opinion of the Chair, may be considered. |